
20 Things Every Woman Wishes She Could Tell Her 20-Year-Old Self

20 Things Every Woman Wishes She Could Tell Her 20-Year-Old Self

With Age Comes Wisdom

Each additional year brings with it wisdom, clarity, and confidence. It's normal to feel lost in your 20s, to stress about the future, and to be generally unsure of yourself and your convictions. Looking back at this time from a more mature place, don't you wish you could give your younger self advice? Here are 20 things we all wish we could say.

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1. Looks Aren’t Everything

A lot of women in their 20s are self-conscious about their looks. They might rank it as one of the most important things in life–and it’s no wonder with all those princess movies they were fed as little girls. As you age you’ll find there are so many other things you’d rather spend your time and energy on.

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2. Prioritize Financial Independence

Life throws a lot of curve balls at you. You’ll find that in these instances, you’ll want to have some money put aside and you certainly never want to be in a relationship where you’re financially dependent on someone else.

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3. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Life is too short to cry over spilled milk. Things that are happening to you only feel like a big deal because you haven’t experienced them before. Try to take things in stride and don’t stress so much.

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4. Not Everyone Will Like You

Everyone likes to be popular, but you can’t win ‘em all so don’t even try. Just be your authentic self and if someone doesn’t like it, be okay with that.

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5. Don’t Give Everything Up For A Relationship

We all want a fairy tale ending, and love is a beautiful feeling–it’s easy to lose yourself in it. But even in the throws of love, use your common sense. Be upfront and honest about your boundaries and remember to prioritize yourself. 

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6. Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is everything from doing therapy, practicing a skincare routine, and going to the gym. Your habits now make a difference to your future–staying healthy in your body and mind contributes to longevity.

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7. Embrace Change

Most things don’t last forever. Learning to adapt to change when it comes will help you stay strong and positive through all of life’s twists and turns.

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8. Take Risks

You only live once. Some opportunities only come, or only seem viable to take, when you’re young, so jump on them! A few years down the road when you have obligations that don’t allow you the same freedoms, you’ll regret not taking those leaps.

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9. Savor the Here and Now

Many of us spend much of our 20s fretting about the future but try not to fall into this. While it’s good to set goals, remember to embrace the present moment. You’re only a twenty-something once!

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10. Know Your Worth

When you first embark on your professional career, you may be shy to ask for a raise or to talk about money at all. However, knowing your worth is key to getting the life you want and deserve. Negotiating for yourself will only earn you more respect in the eyes of others and it’ll build your self-confidence.

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11. Stop Being A People Pleaser

Girls are often taught from an early age to be agreeable. However, it’s important to keep in mind that most successful people don’t get where they are from being pleasant. Stand up for yourself and say no when you want to. 

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12. Be Kind to Yourself

When you fail, don’t beat yourself up. Failure is part of the journey. It’s okay to be disappointed, but pick yourself up, forgive yourself, and learn. 

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13. Be Patient

Great things take time. Restlessness usually comes with youth, but when you age, you’ll understand how much of a virtue patience really is.

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14. Don’t Force It

This isn’t to say you should be passive about things in life–of course, you need to take action to get what you want. But if you find you have to stubbornly force something to happen it’s a sign it isn’t meant to be. 

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15. Pursue What You’re Passionate About

The adage “go with your passion and money will come” is one of those clichés that’s actually true. Your happiness comes first, and if you’re doing what you like, then you’re bound to be happy.

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16. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Our 20s are a time when we go off on our own and develop our adult identity separate from our family and childhood friends. While that’s all good and well, there will be times when you’re in a bind and you don’t know what to do. There’s no shame in asking for help.

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17. Be Honest

Aside from being honest with others, remember to be honest with yourself. That may sound obvious, but it can be trickier than you think. Actions or words that aren’t authentically how you feel will only hurt you in the long run.

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18. Value Education and Training

Whether it’s university education or vocational training, put your education first. Building your skills at a young age will allow you to grow your expertise and reach your goals sooner.

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19. Work on Your Confidence

Confidence is a powerful quality that’ll take you places. Doing something you’re good at, whether it’s a hobby or a job can help you build your confidence. With self-assuredness comes resilience, increased opportunities, and personal development.

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20. Keep a Diary

Keeping a diary and writing in it frequently helps you savor the moment. It’s also a nice momentum to look back on later in life and remember what you were going through at this time in your life.

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