20 Things Getting Out Of Control Nowadays

20 Things Getting Out Of Control Nowadays

Those Were the Days

Since when did we need an app for everything? Why does every restaurant demand a 30% tip? Forget about buckets of sidewalk chalk or Little League games, too—the vast majority of children are completely absorbed by their phones. Things sure are different today and some changes are out of control. 

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1. Tipping Culture

We’re all for tipping a job well done, but does everything need to have built-in gratuity or ask for a minimum 25% tip? It’s even worse when coffee shops ask or, our personal favorite, self-checkout machines. Yes, we will indeed pocket that tip for ourselves. 

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2. Subscriptions for Everything

The good ol’ days didn’t require every scrap of personal information just to watch a football game. Nowadays, it doesn’t matter what you want—you have to subscribe. Hopefully, you enjoy your inbox flooded with junk or dozens of streaming services.

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3. Way Too Many Apps

Constant subscriptions aren’t the only problem. Everything today requires an app. If you want the latest deals, access to a sporting event, or even a simple meal, download the app first. It’s an even worse evolution for those who aren’t glued to their phones.

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4. Advertisements Everywhere

As if the influx of apps or email subscriptions weren’t enough, advertisements also grew a second head. No person is safe.


No platform is free. Everyone must consume the unskippable ad. The good news is that your phone is probably listening and at least shows ads for things you need. 

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5. Grocery Prices

We all know how ridiculous grocery shopping is nowadays. What used to be one dollar is now several, portions got smaller, and it’s nearly impossible to find employees. In addition to the high cost of living, the last thing we need is an expensive head of lettuce. 

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6. Phone Addiction

We all raced to the computer during recess, but now that computer’s in our pocket. What we’re left with is constant entertainment, which sounds good on the surface, but instead created a world of faces illuminated by blue light. 

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7. The Marvel Universe 

We may not get the same groundbreaking blockbusters today, but Marvel deserves special attention. Constant TV shows turned the universe into a convoluted mess and their sequels overestimate the power of nostalgia—overall, people have never cared less about a cape.

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8. Filming People in Public

Whether it’s an attempt at internet virality or plain old cruelty, public filming is a global phenomenon. Please don’t film an elderly man eating alone. For the love of Mike, stop filming public pranks. We miss the days when we could go outside without the spotlight!


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9.  Rent Hikes

Amid all the inflation and high costs of living, today’s renters face an entirely new problem: outrageous prices. Rent costs have soared beyond anything reasonable, leading to plenty of burned savings accounts or undesirable situations. 

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10. Climate Change

Climate change spiraled out of control years ago, but it’s particularly noticeable now. With a greater frequency of natural disasters and temperatures climbing to uninhabitable highs, we can’t help but nervously peek out our windows. 

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11. Blinding LED Headlights

Oh, boy. Here comes a new model. We can tell because our retinas are officially burned. As important as working headlights are, they’re blinding compared to older models. To make matters worse, they’re a huge liability on the road.  

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12. Artificial Intelligence

Those first stirrings about AI didn’t mean much—after all, companies toyed with the idea for years, and introductory rollouts left much to be desired. However, AI nowadays is frighteningly common and practically unavoidable.  

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13. Disruptive Behavior

Gone are the days when you could eat in peace or stroll through the grocery store. Between public pranks and cringe-worthy displays, today’s disruptions are out of control. 

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14. New Slang Terminology

We’re not sure about you, but today’s slang confuses us. Sure, there was a time when words like “cool” or “awesome” were radical, but at least those are legitimate words. We don’t know what “bussin’” means and we’re still scratching our heads about “rizz”.

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15. Housing Costs

As if rent wasn’t bad enough, homeownership is practically out of the question for younger generations. As the cost of living rises, the same can’t be said for paychecks, and saving today isn’t what it used to be. 

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16. Movie Remakes and Sequels



Remember that movie you loved 30 years ago? Would you like a sequel? No? Okay, how about a remake with actors you’ve never heard of? There—we just summed up every movie in the last couple of years. 

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17. Bad Parenting

From sticking kids in front of an iPad to letting them run around in restaurants, today’s parenting styles have certainly changed. That’s not to say that old-school parents were perfect, but maybe ask your child to stop opening things in the grocery store. 

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18. Entry-Level Job Requirements 

Entry-level jobs are exactly that—an opportunity for a new career. Good luck getting a foot in today’s doors, however. “Entry-level” nowadays means at least two degrees and five years of experience. 

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19. Lack of Basic Manners

It’s hard to get a simple “please” nowadays. You’re lucky to see a “thank-you” wave after letting someone merge. Common courtesy is suddenly a rarity, and we miss the days of chatting with neighbors or someone just brightening our day. 

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20. Sensational News

Breaking news! Did we get your attention? Certainly every news station wants it, which is why each mundane story is just as important as the last. 

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