
20 Things That Make You Appear Younger Than You Actually Are

20 Things That Make You Appear Younger Than You Actually Are

How To Appear More Youthful

If there's one thing no one can stop, it's getting older. While many fear what this may do to us physically or mentally, there are ways to keep your youthful spirit alive. If you're worried about becoming a boomer, here are 20 things you can do that make you appear younger than you actually are. 

YoungerfRDNE Stock project on Pexels

1. Smiling

Throwing on your best smile immediately de-ages you. It brightens up your eyes, makes you look friendly and less stern, and just gives you an overall more youthful vibe. Who needs to spend money on botox when your natural smile is already your best asset?

woman taking photo while showing smileGabriel Silvério on Unsplash

2. Wearing Nicely Fitted Clothes

As we grow older, we tend to appreciate comfort more over style. That means wearing clothes that are baggier, maybe even oversized. And while it's definitely comfy, these looks don't always accentuate your body. If you choose to wear nice fitting clothes that compliment your shape and age, that alone makes it seem like you care about your appearance and put effort into creating a nice look. 

clothes hanging on white rackmicheile henderson on Unsplash

3. Paying Attention To Fashion Trends

Staying up to date with the latest fashion trends is one easy way to make yourself seem a whole lot younger. Do you know the coolest ways to use hair claws? The best ways to accessorize a skirt? If the answer is yes, it's like you're telling everyone with your appearance that you're hip and in the know.

women's four assorted apparel hanged on clothes rackAlexandra Gorn on Unsplash


4. Wearing Sunscreen

One practical way to maintain your skin health is wearing sunscreen daily. Protecting your face against harmful UV rays is one of the best ways to reduce wrinkles and promote glowy skin. And as we all know, having good skin is associated with youth and good health.

pink and white tube bottleLina Verovaya on Unsplash

5. Going Out On A Friday Night

Every Friday night, most adults look forward to cuddling up on the couch, grabbing their favorite snacks, and putting on a great show or movie. After a long week at work, all we really crave is some relaxation! That's why if you go out on Friday nights instead, you'll be seen as young and energetic. Most of us prefer camping in for the night at our age!

a crowd of people at a concertShawn on Unsplash

6. Playing Video Games

Let's be real - video games tend to be associated with the younger crowd, specifically teens. There's this ongoing belief that older generations just don't appreciate what games have to offer. That's why all you adult and senior gamers need to show yourself. Calling yourself a gamer at an older age is one surefire way to connect with the youth. They'll definitely call you "cool"!

a person is playing a video game on a cell phoneEugene Chystiakov on Unsplash

7. Staying Up Late At Night

For some reason, the older generation is typically tied with being early birds. So if you're a night owl who loves staying up late, chances are people will see you in a new light. Whether you're playing games, watching shows, or simply just appreciate the stillness of the night, being a late sleeper will make people think you're younger than you actually are.

a crowd of people at a concertSalvador Aleguas on Unsplash

8. Using Slang

If words like "rizz" and "bussin'" sound familiar to you, you're definitely keeping up with the younger generation. Gen Z loves creating new slang words that are incorporated daily on social media. Knowing these terms just means you're in touch with that age group, but also that you're likely active on social media and trying to stay in the loop.

five group of men sitting together with their skateboardsParker Gibbons on Unsplash

9. Having A Trendy Hairstyle

While having a Pixie cut or Bob might tack on a few years to your age, having a trendy hairstyle will do the complete opposite. You'll be surprised by how a new look can really affect how old you seem. By highlighting different parts of your face, focusing on your assets can really change how people see you.

woman's face on focus photoJaroslav Devia on Unsplash


10. Friendly Personas

A smile is one thing, but having a friendly personality is another! Teens and kids generally fear adults and seniors at that age. Remember when 30 year olds just seemed so unapproachable and scary? One way to close that gap is by having a pleasant and welcoming attitude. If you make yourself seem more warm and friendly, you'll likely garner a positive reception from those around you. 

ZakooyZakooy on Pixabay

11. Active On Social Media

Whether it's Instagram, X (Twitter), or Tik Tok, being present on social media is the quickest way to stay up to date with all the latest trends. Most people believe adults and seniors stay away from those apps, so using them regularly immediately makes you seem young and trendy. 

iPhone X beside MacBookTimothy Hales Bennett on Unsplash

12. Good With Technology

We've all heard the stereotype of older generations being out of touch with technology. And while that might be true for some, it's definitely not true for all. Some adults are actually quite tech-savvy! Knowing how to navigate your phone, computer, and other devices is a clear way to show you're keeping up with all the modern advancements. No "boomers" around here!

person using MacBookChristin Hume on Unsplash

13. Having Good Posture

Did you know simply standing up or sitting up straight can create an immediate change in your appearance? Compared to slouching over, having good posture can really make you seem more well put together. This in turn creates a more youthful image for yourself. 

woman in white dress shirt holding bookValerie Elash on Unsplash

14. Good Flexibility

As you get older, it's true that your body won't be the same anymore. Whether it's random aches or sores, our bodies do start to become more fragile. That's why it's incredibly impressive if you're able to keep up your flexibility! It completely goes against when people associate with older crowds, meaning you'll certainly impress others with your "youthful" ability.

shallow focus photo of woman in black sleeveless shirt doing yogaWesley Tingey on Unsplash

15. Staying Fit

Have you ever seen a middle-aged man or woman in the gym? If you have, what were your first thoughts? We'd take a guess that you were immediately impressed with how energetic they were. Staying fit and caring about your health is another way to show you've still got it in you. While most people stereotypically believe older generations just lounge around, this clearly shows you've still got drive.

topless man using rowing machineVictor Freitas on Unsplash


16. Not Overdoing Your Makeup

You might think doing your makeup like a beauty influencer will make you look younger, but usually the opposite occurs. While it looks good on camera, heavy foundation doesn't quite look as nice in person. Settling into your fine lines and making your face look "cakey," too much makeup can actually make you look way older than you are. Doing a more natural look that enhances your features is what will help you create that youthful look you're going for. 

a close up of a person holding a toothbrushPeter Kalonji on Unsplash

17. Listening To Radio Music

If you're familiar with all the latest pop hits playing on the radio, it makes you appear so much younger. While we know (and agree) music of the past can be timeless, it's about noticing what's current and modern. If you can sing the newest Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande song by heart, we're certain others will question your age.

dotigabrielfdotigabrielf on Pixabay

18. Being Relatable

If you're able to connect with younger crowds simply by being relatable, it automatically shaves off a couple of years. Talking about the latest video games, newest movies, or coolest pop culture news makes it sound like you know everything that's going on with this generation. 

a woman and a girl looking at a laptopSurface on Unsplash

19. Being Adventurous

Spontaneity is something we tend to link with teens and young adults. Being able to make random decisions that take you to different places isn't really in the cards for adults with families or responsibilities. That's why if you're adventurous and do things like bungee jumping or take sudden trips, it doesn't fall in line with what people normally expect of older people. 

person above mountain and body of waterJakob Owens on Unsplash

20. Hanging Out With Friends

Making plans with friends became difficult the moment you started getting older. Once you're working a full time job and have other adult responsibilities, choosing dates that work for everyone can seem impossible. So when you're out and about hanging with friends, regardless how old you are, it makes you seem young and free again. 

people sitting on chair in front of table with candles and candlesValiant Made on Unsplash