20 Things You Start Thinking About When You Hit Your 30s

20 Things You Start Thinking About When You Hit Your 30s

Thoughts Everyone Has In Their Thirties

Now that you've hit your thirties, you're probably wondering how best to tackle this new phase of your life. There might be changes you'll have to make, things you'll need to do differently, or hobbies you'll want to pick back up. Whatever it is, here are 20 thoughts the big three-oh might bring.

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1. Buying A Home

Whether you own a home or are still a ways away from that reality, it's a thought that's probably crossed your mind a few times. If you're not close to purchasing a home just yet, don't rush it; prioritize your financial goals and abilities first before you take that giant leap. 

white house under maple treesScott Webb on Unsplash

2. Insurance

While you likely already have insurance, as you get older, you need to make sure you're covered in the right places. You might think it's too soon, but buying life insurance is one on the list to think about in your thirties, especially while you're still healthy.

person holding pencil near laptop computerScott Graham on Unsplash

3. Marriage

There's an unspoken expectation that most people are married by the time they're in their thirties, but if you haven't found the one yet, don't sweat it. Take care of yourself first. When the perfect person comes, you'll know.

two decorative chairs on grass field near body of waterJeremy Wong Weddings on Unsplash

4. Kids

Along with marriage, most people expect to start a family in their thirties.


If you already have kids, you probably know about the stress of… well, stressing over your kids. But for those who aren't parents yet, that's something to worry about later!

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5. How To Best Look After Your Loved Ones

More than just the family you've started yourself, you might also be more concerned about your parents or other loved ones as you age. After all, it’s challenging to find time to even talk to the ones we love. Even so, it's important to reach out and check in with the people you care about.

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6. Career

As you hit your thirties, you've likely already had a good taste of what your current career is like and whether it's something you love doing. Some might have doubts that the path they've chosen is the right one, and if this is you, just know it's never too late to pursue a different route if your heart is in it.

person using MacBook ProGlenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

7. Going Back To School

Similar to switching careers, you might wonder if you should go back to school to further your education. Remember: Just as it's never too late to change your job, it's never too late to learn more—or even something totally different.

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8. Traveling

If you never quite found the time to travel in your twenties, you might have entertained the thought of dropping everything and flying halfway across the world, even if just for a week or two.


And why not? If not now, then when?

The wing of an airplane flying over a cityMilin John on Unsplash

9. Saving (More) Money

As bills pile up the more responsibilities you have, it can be hard to find ways to save money. If you don't already, have a monthly (or weekly) budget and keep a strict eye on your expenses.

pink pig figurine on white surfaceFabian Blank on Unsplash

10. Health

Your body, whether you like it or not, gets harder to take care of as you get older. Make sure you eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly, and if it helps, take vitamin supplements to boost your body's energy and immune system as well.

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11. Posture

Does your neck or back hurt? Do you have constant aches? Just as important as it is to keep your health in check, you should also strive to maintain good posture while standing or sitting. Whenever you notice yourself slouching, stand/sit straight!

woman in gray long sleeve shirt and black pants sitting on wooden floorAlex Shaw on Unsplash

12. The Past

It's easy to get sentimental about the past, especially when you're looking back at your younger self and seeing how far you've come. Sure, there might be things you could've done differently and life could have unfolded in another direction, but let the past be the past. Reminisce all the good memories and shelve the rest.

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13.  Picking Up New (Or Old) Hobbies

If you've dropped a hobby you once enjoyed or are worried you don’t have the opportunity to start a new one, remember that there is no better time than now. Thinking of picking up pottery or learning a new language?


Do it!

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

14. Making New Friends (And Cutting Off Toxic Ones)

It might or might not come as a surprise that creating new friendships gets harder as we get older. And it should—after all, you should befriend and keep those who will support you through thick and thin, as much as you will for them. As for any lingering toxic friends, do yourself a favor and cut them off.

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15. Maintaining Better Sleeping Habits

Not sleeping until dawn or sleeping only for a few hours each night are habits you should stop. Your brain needs energy to get through the day ahead, and staying awake or limiting your hours each night isn't helping.

grayscale photo of sleeping woman lying on bedKinga Howard on Unsplash

16. Proper Skincare Routine

Our age starts to show on our faces in various ways as the years pass. While we should embrace every beautiful line or mark showcasing the hardships we've braved, having a proper skincare routine can help protect us from excessive and unwanted damage. (Most importantly: wear SPF)!

white and black plastic bottle beside white heart shaped ornamentViva Luna Studios on Unsplash

17. How To Cherish Each Day To The Fullest

Time moves fast; you probably know this by now. With work, errands, family, friends, and other personal things to attend to, it's difficult to find time to even appreciate all the hours in a day. But every minute that passes is one we won't get back (as depressing as that might sound), so remember to cherish each moment to the fullest.


woman in white t-shirt standing beside woman in black and white stripe shirtHillshire Farm on Unsplash

18. Being Spontaneous

Life is unpredictable. Sometimes it goes your way, and sometimes it seems like the universe is against you. Even though things can get tough, celebrate the spontaneity life brings.

woman jumping on green mountainsPeter Conlan on Unsplash

19. How To Be (Truly) Happy

"Are you happy"? is a question you've probably heard way too often, and it's definitely a loaded one. It might not get any easier to answer this question in your thirties, but even still, you may think about what true happiness means. For starters, surround yourself with things that—and people who—uplift you.

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20. Being True to Yourself

Similarly to finding true happiness, you might have also asked yourself if you're your true self. As much as it's crucial to be around those who accept you for who you are, you should also never suppress your emotions or unique traits. Be the person you want to be, not the one you think others want to see.

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels