
20 Things Your Body is Trying to Tell You That You Shouldn’t Ignore

20 Things Your Body is Trying to Tell You That You Shouldn’t Ignore

You’ve Been Warned

The human body is fascinating in the way it’s so connected and aware of itself. Something as subtle as a craving can indicate a bigger issue. So if your body is ever trying to tell you something, you should never ignore it. In fact, to make things easier, here are 20 common warning signs your body may give you.

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1. Getting Emotional After Drinking

Everyone reacts differently after drinking, but it turns out there is some science to it. If you’re the type to get very emotional or start crying after a drink, then it’s because you actually have an enzyme deficiency. At least you now have a reasonable excuse for all the tears.

woman in brown shirt covering her faceFa Barboza on Unsplash

2. Dreaming of Falling Teeth

This is a very common dream trope, and most people have experienced it at least once. It turns out this type of dream is directly tied to feelings of anxiety, stress, and a loss of control. If it reoccurs often, it means you have a lot of underlying emotions to work out.

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3. Frisson

If you ever get goosebumps but you’re not afraid and it’s not cold, then you’re experiencing frisson. This is a sign that something about the situation deeply resonates with you. Essentially, it’s your body’s way of telling you to pay attention.

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4. Suddenly Waking at 3 AM

If you find yourself suddenly waking up at 3 AM feeling rested and wide awake, then this indicates a hormonal imbalance. Despite going to bed at a reasonable time, or maybe even an hour ago, your biological clock is certainly out of whack. This could also mean that your liver’s putting in overtime processing something.

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5. Ineffective Caffeine

If you’ve been chronically drinking caffeine for the energy-boosting benefits, and you suddenly find it to stop working, then there may be something going on here. It’s likely a sign that your adrenal glands are exhausted, and your body might be a bit too stressed to keep it up.

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6. Feeling Watched

If you ever have that strange sensation that someone is watching you, then there could be some truth to it. There are two possibilities: the first is that your brain is hyperaware and is really good at detecting patterns. The second is you have an active imagination, and your mind is playing tricks on you.

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7. Energy Bursts and Crashes

If you’ve ever gotten a sudden urge of energy just before crashing, then this means your body just released adrenaline. It can sometimes do this to mitigate incoming exhaustion, giving you a little boost before shutting down.

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8. Twitching Eye

If you feel one eye starting to twitch and this isn’t a one-off, then you’ve got something going on related to stress, lack of sleep, or caffeine. However, fun fact: some cultures believe that depending on which eye is twitching, it could be a sign of good or bad luck.

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9. Ringing in the Ear

If you suddenly hear this humming or ringing in the ear that briefly appears and then eventually fades out, then you’re not the only one. According to scientists, this is likely a blood pressure change. However, in some cultures, this is linked to spiritual awakening.

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10. Déjà Vu

People have been wondering about déjà vu for ages, and while it remains a mystery, there are some theories. Scientists believe the brain is simply misfiring while processing memory. Meanwhile, others say it’s a sign of a past life and has some spiritual association.

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11. Jolting Awake Right Before You Fall Asleep

Picture it now: you’re just about to fall asleep, your eyes are closing, your body’s letting go, but right then at that second, you shoot up in your bed. This is called a hypnic jerk, and it’s a strange way in which your brain tests your body before releasing it. It could possibly be linked with an evolutionary trait that prevented our ancestors from falling out of trees.

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12. Forgetting a Word Mid-Sentence

There’s nothing more annoying than talking to someone and suddenly losing track of your sentence. You’re trying to think of the word you’re looking for, but your brain seems empty. Well, this is a sign that your brain is overloaded with information. It’s basically asking you to get some sleep or drink some water.

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13. Natural Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreams are not a myth: they are a scientifically proven fact. You can look it up. Anyways, it turns out some people are more naturally attuned to lucid dreaming than others and can enter lucidity without even trying. If you’re one of those lucky people, it means you’re either very self-aware or have a highly active imagination.

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14. Salty Cravings

Suddenly the only thing you can think about is French fries, fried chicken, maybe a bag of chips—yum! Well, if this is uncommon for you, then it’s your body’s way of letting you know you’re either dehydrated or low on minerals. Either indulge the craving or get some electrolyte water.

french fries on white ceramic plateEiliv Aceron on Unsplash

15. Waking Up Exhausted

There’s nothing more annoying than sleeping for several hours only to wake up feeling no better—especially when you have a long day of work ahead of you. There are many reasons this could be happening, ranging from high stress to sleep apnea.

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16. Tingly Hands

If you feel that pinprick sensation in your hands, then it’s your body’s way of telling you to get up and move around. This sensation indicates a lack of blood circulation, so take a little time and stretch.

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17. A Gut Feeling

If you’ve ever had a feeling in your gut about something, despite no evidence otherwise, then this is your intuition at work. Our brains are hyperaware and can pick up on signs that our consciousness might not. So it’s best to listen to your instincts and be aware, especially if something about a situation feels off.

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18. Sneezing at the Sun

Here’s a weird one! If you ever look up at the sun and find yourself sneezing in response, then you are one of three people who have the photic sneeze reflex. It’s harmless, but essentially, bright lights trigger a sneezing sensation within you.

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19. Repeating Dreams

Perhaps there was a time when you remember having the same dream over and over again. Even if the dream wasn’t the same, perhaps a certain character or a certain theme kept reoccurring. This is your body’s way of telling you you’re going through something and need to work out the emotions. Time to schedule some therapy. There’s no shame in it.

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20. Sudden Dread

Since your body picks up on things before your consciousness does, this sudden feeling of dread is a serious warning you should consider. For example, if you get into an elevator with someone and feel sudden anxiety, maybe you should step out. Either way, pay attention to your surroundings, especially if the feeling persists.