20 Ugly Things To Never Wear On A First Date

20 Ugly Things To Never Wear On A First Date

Are You Guilty of These First-Date Fashion Faux Pas?

Let’s face it—first dates are nerve-wracking. From deciding where to go to picking a stellar ensemble, you never know how someone will react at first glance. Don’t worry! Understanding these 20 fashion faux pas will help you steer clear so you can earn that second date. 

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1. Anything Dirty 

First dates leave a lasting impression, and showing up in dirty clothes won’t do you any favors. Even if passed the “sniff test” at home, people won’t jump at the chance of a second date if you show up in anything funky. It also gives off the sense that you didn’t care enough to toss on a clean shirt. 

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

2. Wrinkled Clothes

Don’t underestimate the power of your iron! Dates appreciate a clean look, so wrinkled shirts or creased skirts send the wrong message. Even if you don’t have an iron, a few ice cubes in the dryer will get those pesky wrinkles right out. 

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3. Oversized Sunglasses

We’re not talking about patio dates or a sunny day—we’re talking about glasses indoors. We know those shades look cool, but first dates are all about electricity. How can you connect with someone when they can’t even see your eyes? 

a woman sitting at a table with a plate of foodKyle Nieber on Unsplash


4. Something Yellow

It’s not that yellow’s ugly. We like yellow! The general public, however, doesn’t agree. Unfortunately for this bubbly shade, a lot of people think it’s one of the ugliest colors around, and yellow on a first date is a big no-no. 

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5. Inappropriate Attire

Cargo shorts in a nice restaurant are just as weird as suits to a ball game. Speak beforehand to find out where you’re going and make sure you dress for the occasion. The last thing you want is to draw leering eyes from the room instead of your date. 

person standing near the stairsHunters Race on Unsplash

6. Too Much Cologne

Excessive perfume or cologne isn’t ugly on the eyes, but it’s ugly on the nose! A couple spritzes is one thing but bathing in it is a turn-off. Not only that, but you never know who has a sensitive sniffer, and showing up doused in cologne only springs on another headache. 

Ron LachRon Lach on Pexels

7. Ill-Fitting Clothing

Any clotheshorse knows that fit is everything. From tight shirts that cut off circulation to baggy pants that scrape the floor, ill-fitting clothes aren’t a good look. The right fit isn’t even about impressing anyone—it’s about making sure you’re comfortable throughout the night. 

woman in gray and white polka dot blazer standing and smilingDan Asaki on Unsplash

8. Athletic Wear

Wearing a ball cap to a baseball game? Yes. Wearing a football jersey to a four-star restaurant? No. Athletic wear, though comfortable, often teeters into the too-casual column. Unless you’re headed to a night at the stadium, athletic wear won’t score any brownie points. 

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9. Overly Short Skirts

It’s not that short hemlines are unattractive per se, it’s that they’re annoying to fiddle with all night. It’s hard to pay attention to where your date grew up when you’re trying to keep your dress down at the table. It’s best to wear something more comfortable!

woman wearing white mini skirt standing on concrete surfaceiam_os on Unsplash


10. Bland Clothes 

Clothes shouldn’t be bland. Don’t buy into the myth that you need everything from a catalog—you aren’t a mannequin come to life. Show off your character. Dates appreciate your style as much as they appreciate your personality. 

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11. Anything Ripped

First dates aren’t the place to revive fashion. Ripped jeans were cool in 2010 but today’s first dates call for something a little classier. In fact, plenty of people consider them a giant turn-off, so it’s best to avoid them.  

a person's legs in jeans and a blue shirt on a wooden staircaseTim Mossholder on Unsplash

12. Crocs

Speaking of zombie fashion, please no Crocs. We know they’re comfortable. We know they’re hilarious and people wear them “ironically.” However, they’re an almost immediate red flag on a first date. At the very least, they’ll certainly keep people’s attention. 

person wearing white rubber clogNathan Dumlao on Unsplash

13. Baggy Cargo Shorts

There’s a difference between being comfortable and being too comfortable. While cargo shorts aren’t a definite no, they’re only good in certain situations. Shorts thrive in a casual, outdoor setting—they send the wrong message otherwise.  

woman in white crew neck t-shirt and blue denim shorts standing on road during daytimeMarcel Strauß on Unsplash

14. White Clothes

We like white clothes as much as the next person, but how nice will those clothes be after a spill? You have enough to worry about on a first date without throwing in added anxieties. Not only that, but white scores high up with yellow in the undesirable color department. 

woman standing in front of rolling shutterIsabela Kronemberger on Unsplash

15. Tracksuits

Full tracksuits never looked good, and we can’t think of one occasion they’re suited for. Sweats of any kind on a first date have a slovenly appearance, but head-to-toe tracksuits somehow make it worse.  

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16. Anything With Huge Logos

Most people aren’t impressed by an expensive drip. Not many care for shirts with GUCCI splashed across or pants embroidered with dozens of tiny Prada logos. If anything, those outfits tell your date that you’re materialistic.  

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17. Work Attire

There’s no shame in heading to a date right after work. However, give yourself enough time to change into something new! Showing up to a date in your work clothes says you didn’t really care enough to freshen up first. 

Anna ShvetsAnna Shvets on Pexels

18. Unbuttoned Shirts

Unbuttoned shirts look good on just about anyone…the trick is knowing how many to set free. While a few unbuttoned holes keep you in style, too many quickly become a turn-off for most first dates. 

Tima MiroshnichenkoTima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

19. Fedoras

A pleasure to see you, m’lady. We left these unattractive hats behind ten years—and that’s where they should stay. After countless memes and internet jokes, there’s no way to make this hat look good anymore. 

Elle HughesElle Hughes on Pexels

20. Graphic Tees

Some graphic tees are completely fine, but we’re talking about ones with inappropriate phrases or off-putting designs. You might think it’s funny to arrive in an immature shirt but they likely won’t charm your first date. If anything, they’ll ensure you won’t get a second one. 

man and woman standing in front of louver doorLucas Lenzi on Unsplash