
20 Ways to Break Up With Someone Gently For A Drama-Free Split

20 Ways to Break Up With Someone Gently For A Drama-Free Split

Don't Make Your Breakup Worse Than It Has To Be

Breakups are never fun. That being said, there are ways you can go about ending it with respect, grace, and care. Like ripping off a band-aid, here are 20 strategies for a smooth, drama-free breakup.

man and woman holding handsEmma Frances Logan on Unsplash

1. Reflect

The first step to a smooth breakup is reflection. Spend a lot of time thinking about whether you really want to end it and reflect about the reasons why before pulling the trigger.

man in knit cap grayscale photoDarius Bashar on Unsplash

2. Communicate In Advance

The worst way to break up with someone is to spring it on them suddenly. Communicate in advance that you're not happy and give them a chance to act on, or at least, absorb the things you tell them.

A man and woman standing on a beach next to a treeWallace Fonseca on Unsplash

3. Be Sympathetic

If they get emotional, show empathy for their feelings. Be patient while they compose themselves and let them know you never wanted to hurt them. 

selective focus photography of couple huggingKenny Eliason on Unsplash


4. Choose The Right Time And Place

One could argue there's no such thing as the right time when it comes to breaking up with someone, but there's certainly such a thing as the wrong time. If they just lost a family member or their job, perhaps you should put it off for a little while. 

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5. Prepare What To Say

Think about what you want to say ahead of time and try to stick to the script. That way, there's less chance of things going awry or devolving into an argument.

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6. Be Honest

If you fabricate reasons for breaking up with them, it will be entirely too obvious and will only hurt more. They deserve the truth at least. 

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7. Avoid Clichés

No one wants to hear "It's not you, it's me." Clichés like this just end up sounding like inauthentic cop-outs.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding white ceramic mugPriscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

8. Keep It Brief

Try your best to keep your words brief and meaningful. This is not the time for long-winded explanations. Once you get your message across, they'll likely want the conversation to be over as much as you do.

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9. Don't Make Excuses

Making excuses is a sign of cowardice. It's better to own your mistakes and acknowledge what you could've done better. 

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10. Don't Blame Them

The last thing you want is to turn your breakup into a blame game. Ending things gracefully usually entails taking a lot of the onus on yourself. 

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11. Be Receptive 

Going into this, you should be prepared for whatever emotional response gets thrown at you. Whether it's anger or sadness, be receptive to their feelings and try not to fight back. 

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12. Don't Argue 

Sometimes, silence is your greatest friend. At this point, getting into an argument is futile. Even if they start to push back, simply listen and try not to engage.

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13. Don't Waver

Don't give them false hope by changing your mind or even showing hints of doing so as that will only be playing with their heart. Be firm and clear in your decision. 

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14. Use A Mediator

If you're worried about confrontation or abuse, you can use a mediator, but this should happen only in extreme cases. They should be a neutral third party like a counsellor or trusted friend.

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15. Choose A Private Setting

Having a breakup in a public space is a recipe for disaster. Put yourself in their shoes for a second and you can probably understand how going through something emotional like this is best in privacy.

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16. Be Emphatic

The best breakups are like ripping off a band-aid: forcible and quick. Although you still need to be sympathetic, your communication should be clear, concise, and firm. 

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17. Stay Calm

Even if they get angry or emotional, remember to stay calm. If you let your emotions get out of hand too, it will only result in an explosive situation. 

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18. Give Specific Reasons

Give honest, specific reasons for your decision to end things. They will no doubt be looking for reasons anyway, so this only makes that process easier on them.

Photo By: Kaboompics.comPhoto By: Kaboompics.com on Pexels

19. Express Gratitude

Express your appreciation for them and the good times you shared. Acknowledging the happy aspects of your relationship and the positive qualities of that person will help them move on with their self-esteem intact.

man and woman sitting facing body of waterSteven Coffey on Unsplash

20. Do It In Person

This one should be obvious but in case it's not, breaking up over text, email, or phone call is never the right thing to do. Be respectful and buck up the courage to break up in person. 

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