
20 Workplace Phrases That Make You Roll Your Eyes

20 Workplace Phrases That Make You Roll Your Eyes

We're Tired Of Hearing These At Work

Are there certain phrases said often in the workplace that drive you a bit crazy? Don't worry, you're not alone. As it turns out, many adults find specific work jargon to be rather annoying. To see if you agree, check out these 20 common ones!

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1. Happy Monday

We're almost positive that "Happy Monday" is never said genuinely. After all, the first day back to work after a great weekend is almost always dreaded. So really, who could possibly be happy about that?

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2. You're A Rockstar

Though this is meant to be a compliment, you've probably heard it so many times that it's lost all meaning. Because apparently, everyone is considered a rockstar when you do your job well but that doesn't mean much when you're not getting compensated for it. 

man in gray crew neck shirt making thumbs upUsman Yousaf on Unsplash

3. Let's Hit The Ground Running

Telling your employees that it's time to "hit the ground running" almost feels like a passive threat that it's time to pull your weight and do the most you can. For most workers, hearing these words just automatically leads to groaning; it just means the next little while is going to be tiring. 

group of people sitting beside rectangular wooden table with laptopsChristina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash


4. Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

Possibly one of the cringiest workplace lingos there is, "teamwork makes the dream work" sounds like trying to get elementary school children to work together. Most adult employees know what they have to do to get a project done, and hearing these words just makes them laugh.

person holding green flower budAntonio Janeski on Unsplash

5. Let's Circle Back Later

When did "Let's circle back later" become the official statement for "now's not a good time?" No matter what office or company you work at, this is likely a phrase you'll hear wherever you go. It can be frustrating for some, especially when they know this phrase means putting off something that needs to be done. 

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6. Gentle Reminder

Gentle reminders are never really gentle, they just want to appear that way. But employees all know that when you get hit with this message, it means your boss wants you to get your act together. 

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7. Low Hanging Fruit

This one is just a bit weird and while it does make sense, it's safe to say most employees are tired of hearing about it. "Low hanging fruit" simply refers to tasks that are easier to finish and accomplish; many times bosses will tell their workers to tackle these first before moving onto the more difficult assignments. 

a bunch of apples hanging from a treeBozhin Karaivanov on Unsplash

8. Kind Regards

Having to finish every email with "Kind regards," especially when you don't mean it, can feel a bit annoying sometimes. It's simply a filler, customer-service ender that doesn't have much meaning to it at all. You could not be feeling too nice and still use it out of courtesy. 

person using phone and laptopAustin Distel on Unsplash

9. Per My Last Email

Whenever you have to type out "per my last email," it's usually because whoever you're messaging completely ignored or overlooked an important fact. And there's not much to say about that other than it's frustrating having to keep repeating yourself. 

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10. We're A Family

The number one workplace phrase employees never want to hear? "We're a family." Not only is this usually complete bogus, it can create an unhealthy work environment when people know it's simply not true. It feels like using a lie as your company motto. 

people sitting on chairRedd Francisco on Unsplash

11. We Don't Need To Reinvent The Wheel

If an employee suggests a new creative approach for a project, there's nothing more demoralizing than being told "We don't need to reinvent the wheel." While it simply means you don't need to change too much, it can feel very dismissive depending on the situation. 

people on conference table looking at talking womanChristina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

12. Let's Touch Base

There's nothing inherently wrong with the phrase, "Let's touch base," employees just dislike it because it simply means they have to go into a meeting. And who really likes going to meetings where you're going to have to talk?

woman in teal t-shirt sitting beside woman in suit jacketAmy Hirschi on Unsplash

13. Table The Conversation

"Table the conversation" is very similar to "let's circle back later." They both essentially mean let's discuss this matter at another time. Which in some cases can be fine, but for those who need information now, it can be very aggravating. The phrase itself also just sounds a bit confusing and strange. 

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14. Your Bandwidth

Asking for your "bandwidth" is basically asking how much you're able to do and get done at this moment. Are you free to work on something? Are you available? All of that is encapsulated in this simple word. And for the most part, most people will always want to answer "no."

man wearing headphones while sitting on chair in front of MacBookWes Hicks on Unsplash

15. All Hands On Deck

This is a popular phrase said in many scenarios, but when you're at the workplace, all it means is you have to put in a lot more effort and work with a lot more people. Which sadly, are two things most employees try to avoid. 

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16. We Have To Power Through

Yes, we know we have to keep going, but we don't need or want to be told "We have to keep powering through." While this phrase is meant to be motivating and energizing, it often does just the opposite. Hearing those words can make you feel even more tired than before. 

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17. At The End Of The Day

What do you mean we have to wait until the very end of the day to get an answer? For workers just trying to get their tasks done, hearing this can feel like a serious blow. It's not fun having to wait for someone else while you could be on your way to finishing an assignment. 

man opening his mouth and looking upDorrell Tibbs on Unsplash

18. Synergy

At this point, synergy feels more like a pointless buzzword that management throws out in hopes of getting everyone on the same page. It's used far too frequently and sees little to no effect too often. There's just no real meaning behind the word now given how much people casually say it!

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19. Lean In

Another way of saying "It's time to dig deep" which really means "overtime," lean in are two words most employees never want to hear. When you're not getting paid more for your hard work, being expected to do more might make you want to pull out your hair. 

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20. Pushback

Pushback might seem like a pretty innocent buzzword, but when it comes to the workplace, it describes anyone, a fellow employee, contractor, partner, or so on, who is standing up for themselves and fighting for equal terms. It kind of makes it seem like it's never safe to say your piece if any little thing is called pushback!

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