Become A Muse: 10 Ways To Make Him Want You More & 10 Things To Avoid

Become A Muse: 10 Ways To Make Him Want You More & 10 Things To Avoid

Have A Crush? Here's How To Make Him Gaga For You

We've all been there: being so into some guy who seems to not be into you at the same level. Maybe you've had one or two dates with him or maybe you're stuck in friend zone. Luckily, there are some simple strategies you can use to make him crazy about you. Here are 10 ways to make him want you more and 10 things to avoid.

man and woman kissing during daytimeGRAHAM MANSFIELD on Unsplash

1. Practice Self-Care

The first step to making a guy love you madly is to love yourself madly. Well, okay, maybe not madly, but taking care of your well-being will make you a more balanced and confident person which are attractive qualities. 

woman holding bookToa Heftiba on Unsplash

2. Be Mysterious

Don't throw all of your cards on the table on the first date. Hold back just enough to keep him curious and guessing. Revealing yourself gradually over time will keep him on the hook. 

Jasmine CarterJasmine Carter on Pexels

3. Cook For Him

You know what they say: "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach". Take this old proverb seriously, it's the truth. Not only is it an opportunity to show your chops in the kitchen, but it's something simple you can do for him that shows you care.

woman standing in front of fruits holding pot's lidJason Briscoe on Unsplash

4. Make Him Mildly Jealous

Don't play games, but making a subtle comment that stirs up a hint of jealousy might make him realize he's into you.


Just be careful not to go too extreme as it may back fire. 

man and woman standing side by side during daytimeTibor Pápai on Unsplash

5. Use Social Media In Your Favor

Utilize social media to your advantage by posting the occasional cute photo of yourself. This will keep you fresh on his mind. Just don't overdo it as you don't want to come off vain.

woman in white long sleeve shirt and orange knit capNguyễn Hiệp on Unsplash

6. Be Playful

The first step to making him like you is to make him have a good time with you. One of the best ways to do that is to be playful and don't take yourself too seriously. 

Wesley DaviWesley Davi on Pexels

7. Be Confident

Confidence is an attractive quality. It signifies self-assurance and is typically more engaging than someone who is timid or insecure. 

woman in black long sleeve shirt sitting on white couchJonathan Borba on Unsplash

8. Be An Excellent Conversationalist

Ask interesting questions, be a good listener, engage him in deep conversation. He's guaranteed to have a good time for you and want more. 

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9. Make Him Work For It

"Nothing good in life comes easy" so make him work for it. Don't overdo it, but set the bar high for how you expect to be treated. 

man in white crew neck t-shirt kissing woman in blue denim jeans on beach duringLOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

10. Dress Up

A simple way to make him gaga over you is to look incredible. Get yourself a new dress, put on some makeup, and strut your stuff, but don't make a big deal out of it. 

woman in purple long sleeve shirt and black skirt sitting on floorCleyton Ewerton on Unsplash

Now that we've talked about the strategies for making him crazy about you, let's go over some of the things to avoid.


1. Showing Jealousy

A confident, well-rounded person isn't generally overly possessive. Even if you're prone to twinges of jealousy, try to swallow it unless it's a major issue. 

Budgeron BachBudgeron Bach on Pexels

2. Being Needy

Rule number one to making a guy like you: don't be clingy or needy. Showing him that you're independent and don't need him makes you extremely attractive while being very clingy will drive him away.

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3. Trying Too Hard

Authenticity is much more attractive than trying very hard just to catch his eye. Be nonchalant and don't put in too much effort. Just be yourself and he will be drawn in to your orbit. 

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

4. Texting Or Calling First

It's okay to make the first move (we're modern women after all)! However, don't be the one texting or calling him first all the time. Be patient and wait for him to reach out to you. 

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5. Neglecting Your Own Life

Don't abandon things in your own life like friends, hobbies, and goals to focus on him. Having your own interests and maintaining your independence makes you more attractive. 

woman in white tank top and white apron standing near brown wooden tablePablo Escobar on Unsplash

6. Overanalyzing Things

Avoid overthinking his every little move. It's more attractive to come off as a go with the flow person than to seem uptight. It also leads to unnecessary stress for you.

woman in gray topTachina Lee on Unsplash

7. Being Too Timid

Although it can come off cute to be a little shy, being extremely timid makes you seem insecure.


Build your confidence and self-assurance. It's always more attractive. 

man covering her face with her hairM.T ElGassier on Unsplash

8. Not Being True To Yourself

Don't pretend to be interested in something you're not or try to be someone else just to impress him. He'll see right through it. 

Artem PodrezArtem Podrez on Pexels

9. Being Negative

Being negative or overly critical isn't attractive. The key to making him want you is to make him enjoy spending time with you. 

Pavel DanilyukPavel Danilyuk on Pexels

10. Chasing Him

If you want him to want you, stop chasing him. It may seem counter-intuitive, but coming on too strong and being too obvious that you like him is only going to drive him away. 

A couple of kids running down a streetQuang Huy Nguyễn on Unsplash