
Chivalry Is Dead: 20 Gentlemanly Behaviors Men Don't Do Anymore

Chivalry Is Dead: 20 Gentlemanly Behaviors Men Don't Do Anymore

Is Chivalry Still A Thing?

You've likely heard the phrase "chivalry is dead" before, but is it really? Have men really changed that much? While you probably disagree and will say that you know plenty of gentlemen, there are certain behaviors that were once the norm that aren't anymore. Here are 20 gentlemanly behaviors men don't really do anymore or just don't practice as much. Do you think men are still chivalrous?

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1. Putting Effort Into Appearance

Dressing well and appearing in a well-put-together manner was of utmost importance back in the day. While it's not to say men don't dress nicely anymore, there has been quite a change in what's now considered the norm. You can essentially walk outdoors in anything, even your homewear.  It's not uncommon to find men in casual clothes, wearing baggy shirts and baggy jeans.

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2. Giving Up Your Seat

Given how distracted we are by our phones these days, people generally aren't very attentive of their surroundings. Seats should always be given up for those who need it more, especially if it's a pregnant lady or someone with a disability. You might find it common to see men (and women to be fair!) who just don't notice and don't give up their seats. 

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3. Good Posture

Having good posture just makes you seem all the more charismatic and attractive. As a result, men used to put in quite the effort. But nowadays, it's not really a surprise if you catch someone slouching or hunched over. There's just not much care put into good posture these days. 

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4. Holding Open The Door

Holding the door open for the next person is more often seen as a kind act rather than a chivalrous one in today's society. It should be done regardless of gender! But that's not to say all men do it, and for most women, they definitely might get the ick if they date someone who doesn't. 

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5. Pulling A Woman's Seat Out For Her

If you want to take the extra step to show a woman you're a gentleman, help her pull out her seat the next time you're at a restaurant or sitting at a table. It's a simple gesture that isn't often done anymore, but we guarantee women will appreciate it if you do. 

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6. Giving Sincere Compliments

Sometimes we forget the power a genuine compliment can have. A good gentleman will always offer kind words without expecting anything in return. It's done from the heart and you can tell there's no hidden intention behind it. A chivalrous man is always looking to spread kindness, something that has gotten a bit lost in these modern times. 

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7. Walking On The Outer Sidewalk

This is one small and simple act that will always go noticed by women. If you're a woman walking on the sidewalk and the man switches sides to ensure you're standing farther away from the road, that's a chivalrous act right there. It shows that he's thinking two steps ahead and potentially putting himself in the face of danger to protect you. It's these little things that really make a gentleman stand out in today's world. 

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8. Giving Up Their Jacket

Ladies, make sure you always bring something warm to wear as back up. Having a man lend you his jacket is seen more as a surprising romantic gesture rather than an expected one nowadays. You'll definitely be able to tell whether you're with a chivalrous man depending on whether he offers you his jacket or not during these moments. Just don't go in expecting anything!

Pexels-Roman-Iskanderov-624959616-26563816 Roman Iskanderov on Pexels

9. Laying A Jacket Over A Puddle

Listen, we know this one is a bit of a reach. Who wants to sacrifice a perfectly good jacket? While this particular act isn't something women expect men to do anymore, they certainly will appreciate it if you find other ways to help them out. Whether it's giving a quick piggyback ride over a large puddle or helping them jump across, displaying this sort of kind behavior will definitely win you some brownie points. It's rare these days finding men who will go above and beyond like this. 

Pexels-Jared-Shy-Chapman-739227014-18688653 Jared 'Shy' Chapman on Pexels


10. Gifting Flowers For No Reason

The stereotype of girls wanting flowers didn't just appear out of nowhere. Back in the day, it was very common for men to surprise their love with a beautiful bouquet, no questions asked. It was done solely to make their woman's day and to put a smile on her face. These types of gestures aren't so common anymore and are seen more as rare surprises.

Pexels-Secret-Garden-333350-931154 Secret Garden on Pexels

11. Leaving Handwritten Notes

In our technological day and age, are you really surprised to hear that men don't leave behind handwritten notes anymore? Compared to text and instant messaging, handwritten notes and letters are far more personal and romantic. It shows that you put in a lot of effort and thought to what you want to say. Take notes guys - this is certainly a gentlemanly behavior that will wow any girl.

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12. Sharing The Umbrella

Being chivalrous means going out of your way to help a woman even if it means you get the bad end of the stick. If you're caught in the rain, it's common courtesy to share the umbrella. But a gentleman will take things one step further to ensure her comfort - he'll make sure that she's fully covered, even if it means you're getting a bit soaked. It's a respectful and kind sacrifice that certainly won't go unnoticed.

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13. Keeping Things Private

It's safe to say that privacy isn't something that's respected as much anymore. And given our day and age where technology runs wild, it can be hard to do so. Whether it's through social media or word of mouth, gossip runs rampant. So if you want to be chivalrous, you have to understand the value of privacy. Keeping secrets and respecting people's boundaries is so important and genuinely appreciated. 

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14. Calling Instead of Texting

Hearing someone's voice instead of reading an instant message is a world of difference. There's just something so much more intimate and personal about a phone call. It's very uncommon for a man to do so these days, so finding someone who still calls is precious. 

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15. Taking Hat Off To Show Respect

Whether you're having a bad hair day or it goes well with your outfit, hats are a popular accessory to have on. But if you choose to wear one, it's also important to consider hat etiquette. You might laugh at that, but back in the day, it was courtesy for men to take off their hats to show respect. It sounds a bit old-fashioned, but most women can agree there's something attractive and kind about a man who still follows these respectful behaviors.

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16. Leading The Lady In A Dance

If you asked men on the streets if they know how to dance, you'll likely get the response of "no" more often than not. While attending balls and fancy events where dancing was the highlight of the night used to be popular, it's not really something people participate in nowadays. But seriously, is there anything more romantic than a slow dance where the woman is being whisked away, safe and secure, by a gentleman? 

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17. Walking Women To Their Doors

Wanting to make sure that they arrive safe and sound, it was very common for respectable gentlemen to walk ladies to their doors, especially if it's late at night. It's a protective act that women can certainly appreciate, and it really demonstrates the kind and caring side of any man. It's sad to say, but it's something that can get overlooked these days. 

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18. Keeping A Handkerchief On Them At All Times

When was the last time you met a man that had a handkerchief on him? While this used to be a must-have accessory for an esteemed gentleman, it's very rarely seen nowadays. So the next time you meet someone that offers you his handkerchief the moment you sneeze, you might've just found one in a million.

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19. Helping The Woman Put On/Take Off Her Jacket

Whether she just entered the room or is about to leave, a chivalrous gentleman will always take note and help her with her jacket. It's a polite gesture that makes any woman feel noticed and appreciated. It's not done very often anymore though, if at all. In fact we'd guess most of you have either never done it or never had it done to you.

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20. Always Gives A Handshake

In today's world, fist bumps, high fives, and head nods have more or less replaced the classic handshake. Meeting new people and interacting with them have become a lot more casual than they used to be. But a gentleman will always want to make the right impression and go in with a nice, firm handshake. It's the most respectful and polite way to say hello to someone. 

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