Are You Caught in a Situationship?
We’ve all been there—you dive head first into a new relationship, sparks fly, and the possibilities seem endless. But it’s hard to see clearly in the honeymoon stage, and before you know it, you’re trapped in a fling without realizing it! Don’t worry, we’re here with some huge red flags to keep an eye on.
1. No Future Plans
Flings aren’t about investment, they’re about temporary fun—which is fine if that’s what everyone wants! But if your current fling doesn’t make real plans with you, chances are they only want one thing.
2. Last Minute Dates
Spontaneity is great in long-lasting relationships, but it’s just plain rude in a fling. Last-minute plans mean they see you as a hook-up; rather than spend quality time together, they just expect you to be around on a Friday night.
3. You Don’t Know Their Friends
Introducing partners to the friend group is a big step, and it’s not one you’ll see in a fling. When it’s for fun, you’re often kept out of inner circles and away from their personal lives altogether. After all, why introduce a situationship?
Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash
4. You Don’t Know Their Family
If they haven’t introduced you to their friends, they definitely won’t introduce you to their family. Flings are for fun hookups, not Thanksgiving dinners and gift exchanges. If they haven’t brought you around, they likely don’t see this going anywhere.
5. There’s No Intimacy
Intimacy is so much more than time in bed. It’s about holding hands, deep conversations, and spending quality time together. When a person only wants one thing, they won’t put in the effort to learn more about you.
6. They Only Call for One Thing
Most flings mean fireworks in the bedroom, but it’s disheartening when you want something more. If they only call you for a quick dinner and an even quicker night cap, it’s time to reevaluate.
7. They’re Still on Dating Sites
Ah, the classic heartbreaker. You’ve spent weeks together, gone on dates, and slept over a few times—yet they haven’t deleted their profile. That doesn’t bode well for the person who wants more, so it’s either time to talk or part ways.
8. Nothing’s Exclusive
So, you’ve talked and they “like things the way they are.” Of course, there’s no problem if you want a casual relationship, but if you were hoping for something more, there’s no clearer sign than that. Chances are, more time together won't change their mind, so don't run yourself dry!
9. You Reach Out to Them
Flings won’t reach out to you for any meaningful time together. They might send a last-minute text or invite you to their place, but they rarely want more than the fun stuff. It’s not a good sign when you’re the only one who asks them to dinner.
10. You Get Ghosted
Don’t worry, they saw your text—from three days ago. Serious partners make time for their significant others. Flings, on the other hand, don’t prioritize your relationship, which often means you’ll hear from them when you hear from them.
mikoto.raw Photographer on Pexels
11. You’re Not a Priority
Whether it’s late-night text messages or short dinner dates, flings aren’t shy about their intentions. While that’s normally a good thing, it can get pretty hurtful to know you aren’t a priority for them.
12. There’s No Effort
Legitimate partners put in the effort—they make dinner reservations, know your favorite flower, and laugh at your adorable childhood memories. Flings are more in and out. It doesn’t matter where you go or how long you spend together, so long as it ends in the bedroom.
13. Always on Their Phone
It’s always rude when someone whips out their phone at dinner, but it’s more annoying with a date. There’s nothing worse than trying to talk to someone who’s glued to their screen, especially when they’re supposed to pay attention.
14. It’s Not Insta-Official
Though it takes a while for relationships to hit the gram, partners aren’t shy about introducing you on social media. However, don’t expect to show up on your fling’s page. If they don’t see it as serious, they won’t broadcast it.
15. Wonky Relationship Status
Be wary of your fling’s previous relationships. People jump into rebounds when they’re fresh out of a heartbreak, so timing can be a red flag. Not only that, it’s just as bad to hear your fling’s never had a serious relationship. Time to ring the alarm!
16. No PDA
Flings like to keep their options open. Why hold hands or put their arm around you when that chases away opportunities? No PDA likely means they don’t want people to get the wrong impression.
17. You Don’t Talk
Sure, you’ve had some playful banter. Maybe you talked about the latest blockbuster. But real partners dive deep. If you can’t talk to your fling about anything real, it’s time to reconsider the relationship. You’ll never get anywhere without communication.
18. There’s No Compromise
Compromise isn’t important in flings. A situationship won’t concern themselves with how you feel or prioritize your comfort. You’re usually caught in a tired routine or expected to only go where they want—either is a red flag.
Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash
19. Infrequent Communication
Flings reach out when they’re in the mood or bored, but won’t bother with much else. If you only talk once a week, they haven’t prioritized time with you. Unless you’re good with something that casual, it’s time to move on.
20. You Don’t Spend Time Together
We’re not talking about time in the bedroom or the odd night out. We’re talking about quiet evenings together. We talking about a good, long walk under the stars. Grabbing a quick bite before the boudoir isn’t the same as a relationship!