Here's What Grannies Are Up To
You may have made fun of these activities when you were young, but as the years pass and you just get older, we're sure you're starting to see the appeal of granny hobbies. While yes, these hobbies are associated with age, it also has to do with how meaningful and wholesome they are. Don't get sucked into the negative connotations of being old - here are 20 popular activities that everyone gets into as they grow up!
1. Knitting
If there's one activity always associated with grandmas, it's knitting. But while this might be seen as an "old" hobby, it's one that'll grow on you as you get older. As you start looking for more relaxing hobbies that can take your mind off the pressures of the day, knitting will likely appear on your radar. Creating a cute sweater or plushie as you enjoy your favorite TV show doesn't sound half bad now does it.
2. Bird Watching
Bird watching might not sound like the most hip hobby for young adults, but don't underestimate it. For those of you who love being in nature and enjoy wildlife, there's something very exciting about spotting unique birds in their habitat. Not only will you get your exercise in, it's almost like playing a fun game of "Where's Waldo?" but with birds!
3. Sewing
Whenever you accidentally rip your clothes or need a good hem job, we wouldn't be surprised if you instantly turned to your grandma for help. After all, they're stereotypically the best at it! But if we're being honest, knowing how to sew is a great life skill that wouldn't hurt you to have. Being able to craft clothing or fix flaws yourself seems pretty useful.
4. Baking
While grandma's delicious apple pie will always be the best, people tend to get into baking the older they get. The perk of this hobby is you get something tasty to devour after you're done too! Some people might find it a bit of a hassle, but others will find it incredibly therapeutic and rewarding.
5. Reading
When was the last time you picked up a book? While some hated reading growing up because it was associated with school and textbooks, many start getting into it as they grow older. Helping you to pass time on flights and transit rides, it's a great way to escape from reality if just for a short moment.
Masjid Pogung Dalangan on Unsplash
6. Crocheting
Yes, there is a difference between crocheting and knitting! While both are considered to be granny hobbies, many say crocheting is a bit simpler to learn. So if you're interested in getting crafty, this is probably a good place to start.
7. Doing Puzzles
Doing puzzles certainly isn't a fast-paced activity, making it something many people associate with seniors or older individuals. But in reality, once you start working a full-time job, slower hobbies are exactly what you're looking for. Perfect for a relaxing day in or as a side activity to do while you watch your favorite movie, you'll be hooked once you feel the satisfaction of completing your first puzzle.
8. Gardening
Did you know gardening can be very therapeutic? Once you get past your fear of creepy crawlies, nothing will hold you back! Whether you just love flowers or want to grow your own fruits and vegetables, gardening can be a big hobby to get invested in.
9. Going on Walks
Never forget to get your daily steps in! In the hustle and bustle of daily life, many of us are stuck sitting in office chairs during our 9-5s. It's important to fit in exercise in your everyday routine, making walks a simple way to get it done. Getting some fresh air and getting your body moving will feel more satisfying than you realized.
10. Scrapbooking
As we get older, we learn to appreciate the past even more than ever before. That's why scrapbooking becomes a much more popular hobby as we age. Not only is it a beautiful way to revisit the past, it's a fun way to express your artistic talents to create something wonderful.
11. Quilting
Everyone loves a comfy blanket, so don't let those stereotypes get to you! While quilting is commonly associated with grannies, it really doesn't have to be. It's a beautiful art that's made with so much love, and it's quite practical too. Who could ever say no to a beautifully designed quilt?
12. Napping
When you were young, you likely connected napping with old age. Having to take a break to sleep in the middle of the day just made you seem less energetic and slow. But as you've gotten older, we know for a fact that you partake in midday naps yourself! How else are you supposed to get through your long day?
13. Embroidering
Growing in popularity, embroidering gives you the gift of creating some beautiful art pieces that are perfect for hanging on walls or giving as gifts. While these crafty activities tend to get associated with seniors, don't let that stop you from being creative. It's a lovely skill that produces equally lovely items.
14. Thrifting
There's a common complaint from shoppers saying that thrift stores often smell like "old people." Maybe that's where the stereotypical association comes from? Regardless of how it came to be, the reality is that thrifting is for people of all ages. In fact, it's sometimes seen as trendy these days! And as expenses only get higher and higher as you get older, many turn to thrifting for good deals.
15. Doing Crosswords
Nothing more old school than grabbing the Sunday paper and completing the crossword in the morning! While this is how grandparents are often depicted in old TV shows and animations, crossword puzzles are so much more than a senior's hobby. They're a great way to get your brain going and to keep it active - something you should be more wary of as you age.
16. Tai Chi
Have you ever seen a group of grandpas and grandmas at the park doing tai chi together? This gentle and easy form of exercise is the perfect way for seniors to get their bodies moving. But don't be fooled - you don't have to be over 50 to participate. Many adults looking for simple forms of exercise turn towards tai chi as their body grows older and their days get busier.
17. Tea Time
Tea is simply a universally comforting and heartwarming drink that everyone can enjoy. While tea time is usually either linked to the Brits or grannies, it definitely wouldn't hurt to spare a little time in your day to enjoy some relaxation. After all, that's what tea time stands for. It's a chance to sit back and take a breather.
18. Collecting Antiques
With antiques already meaning "old" in some sense, it's not hard to see why this hobby is typically tied to grannies. However, starting collections is not uncommon for many adults as they grow older. We wouldn't be surprised if this desire to hoard things turns into collecting antiques in the future.
19. Meditating
Honestly, we could probably all learn a thing or two from grannies! Taking the time to meditate is a great way to reset your mind, especially after a hard day. And with more and more challenges being faced as we grow older, giving yourself a moment or two to regain focus never hurts.
20. Candle-Making
Getting into candle-making seems like a pretty natural progression from starting out just liking the smells. Many people use candles as a way to relax, picking scents that ease their mind. So as you get to stage in your life where you have more free time, why wouldn't you want to get into making them yourself?