Can’t Build Dreams on Suspicious Minds
We should be able to trust our partners completely, so it’s never a good feeling when suspicions arise. Before deciding what to do—or whether to trust that voice in your head—have a look at some common signs.
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1. Schedule Changes
Things pop up all the time, which often aren’t cause for concern. However, if your partner frequently stays late at work or disappears without warning, it could indicate something more nefarious.
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2. They’re Paranoid
Projection is strong and cheating partners take out their guilt on others. It’s usually not a good sign when accusations fly, especially when they’re out of the blue. The more persistent your partner is with their suspicions, the greater the cause for concern.
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3. Picking Fights
Adulterous partners pick fights for no reason. They then use that as an excuse to disappear for an entire evening or dodge phone calls. The odd argument is natural, but spontaneous fights shut down communication.
4. Suspicious Texting
Most of us are guilty of doom scrolling on the toilet, but it’s hard to ignore a partner suddenly glued to their phone. The pattern can arouse further suspicion if they bring their phone everywhere, won’t let you near it, or are always smiling and never tell you why.
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5. Behavioral Changes
Be it from guilt or having mentally clocked out, cheating partners aren’t the same. They might ignore their significant others. They may lose interest in shared hobbies. They might not be as open as they used to be. Sudden noticeable changes could be a cause for concern.
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6. Lying
It’s hard to catch partners in a lie, especially because we tend to trust them. But it’s worrisome when your partner starts lying or intentionally omits details. Lying, no matter how small, only worsens when they refuse to take accountability.
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7. Missing Money
Spouses usually have joint bank accounts, which makes it pretty easy to spot discrepancies. Cheating partners may spend money frivolously, all without telling you why. They likely won’t have a good answer if confronted either.
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8. You’re Showered in Gifts
Adulterous partners seem heartless, but plenty experience shame. While that doesn’t excuse their behavior, it may explain a sudden uptick in gifts or lavish experiences. Rather than face up to their actions, many spoil their partners to alleviate guilt.
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9. Changes in the Bedroom
Some cheating partners spring new moves on their partner. Others grow cold and seemingly lose interest. Whatever the case may be, inexplicable changes often warrant a conversation.
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10. Gut Feelings
It’s called a “gut feeling” for a reason. You know your relationship better than anyone, so don’t ignore that little voice when something feels amiss. At the end of the day, trust your instincts.
On the other hand, plenty of partners show their loyalty every day. If yours exhibits these behaviors, you know you’ve got a faithful keeper.
1. Open Communication
Faithful partners have nothing to hide. They also understand the importance of mature, honest communication. Relationships won’t last very long without open discussion, even if it’s a tough conversation.
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2. They Trust You
Loyal partners aren’t suspicious of you, just like you aren’t of them. Your foundation doesn’t crumble at the smallest text. They don’t quirk a brow if you take a work call. You both have complete faith in each other.
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3. They Keep You Informed
Good (and loyal) partners let you know when they’ll be home. Whether they’re running late at work or going out with friends, you’re never in the dark about their whereabouts. It also shows how much they care.
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4. They Put in the Effort
Relationships take work and faithful partners put in the time. There may be squabbling or the odd blowout, but true partners ride the storm out. Adulterous partners often check out without the courtesy of honesty.
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5. Honesty
Speaking of honesty, no relationship lasts without it. Transparency, sharing goals, and listening intently are all green flags that your partner genuinely cares about your opinion. They also value the relationship, which cheating partners certainly do not.
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6. Tough Conversations
Difficult conversations are inevitable. Despite the awkwardness, faithful partners have them anyway. You’re in a good relationship if you can share your thoughts in a safe space, working together toward a path forward.
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7. Accountability
Accountability may have nothing to do with infidelity. It could be as simple as apologizing or agreeing to work on certain behavior. Loyal partners want you to stick around and recognize the importance of change.
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8. They’ve Grown With You
Long-time partners experience all the ups and downs. From their views on family right down to their hobbies, faithful partners grow alongside you. While some couples veer in opposite directions, decent partners acknowledge the change with discussion—not infidelity.
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9. There’s No Jealousy
It’s admittedly a little strange to see your partner get hit on; some flirtation is downright brazen. However, strong couples don’t worry about stuff like that. They may even laugh it off together later.
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10. The Relationship Comes First
Faithful partners put their relationship above all else. Nothing comes between their devotion, especially not another person. There’s often nothing to worry about when you’re their priority.