People From Around The World Share Facts Everyone In Their Profession Knows But The Rest Of Us Don't
People From Around The World Share Facts Everyone In Their Profession Knows But The Rest Of Us Don't
We're all at the mercy of experts. The doctor, the baker, the candlestick maker. They all do things we don't know how to do. And they all know things about what they do that we don't know, that they don't want us to know.
Thankfully, these people from all over the world recently took to the internet to share the secrets of their trades that we don't know. Just for our edification and amusement. Enjoy!
45. What Goes Up...
44. Milk Shop Doesn't Sound As Good
43. Insecurity
Same with most password complexity requirements.
If you force a 12+ character password that cannot be dictionary defined, your users are writing it down on a post-it note.
42. Sweet Little Lies
41. Walking On Wire
We had a garden in our backyard growing up. I used to dig in the spots where my mom didn't have any plants growing. I decided one morning that I was going to dig to China (I was young, okay?), and kept going until I hit a thick black cord. So I stabbed at it with the shovel, and saw all sorts of colors inside it. Naturally, I thought I'd found some treasure, but what I was actually looking at was dozens of individual wires inside the cord, and what I'd done was take out the cable TV for the entire street.
40. Night At The Museum
39. Take Care Of The Good Boys
38. The IT Crowd
I was the sole IT guy at a smallish company. Apparently one day, while in a meeting, my boss happened to spy me playing a game on my phone and made a comment along the lines of... "What do we actually pay this guy for?"
My friend thankfully replied: "Is your email working? Can you access the internet? Are all our servers up? That's what we pay him for."
If your IT Guy is not busy, he is doing a good job not a bad one and you don't need to fire him.
37. I Had An Inkling
It's so logical! Like, if you were just stabbed with a knife, you wouldn't rub your dirty fingers all over the why would it be okay when you were just stabbed hundreds or thousands of times with a needle over a wide area?
36. How Appt
35. Getting A Head
34. You Can Say That Again
33. Plane Jane
Don't let it scare you, these issues are accounted for. Obviously too many is bad and will still cause issues, but any complex machine (especially one where human safety is involved like an aircraft) is loaded with redundancies.
And it could be worse. If I remember correctly, the Saturn V had a component failure tolerance of something ridiculous like 10%. Imagine sitting on top of over 7.5 million pounds of thrust and thinking "10% of this might not be working right".
So yeah, don't sweat the planes.
32. Is This An Emergency?
About half of our calls are for patient transfers to/between hospitals. The other half of calls are “911 calls”. And only half of those 911 calls are true emergencies. And the only time we use lights and sirens is when a person is in deep trouble and staring death in the face. So if an ambulance comes up to you, lights blaring, move outta the way. Fast.
21. My Chemical Romance
20. Rhythm And Blues
You know how they always show scenes like this on TV?
First, the patient flatlines. Then, some doctor starts yelling "code blue! code blue!" And then all the machines start beeping while the doctor grabs the two big paddles, taps them together a couple times, yells "clear!" and shocks the patient. The patient dramatically bounces up when this happens. Then the doctor taps the paddles again. "Clear!" He shocks the patient. Patient jumps. He does this a few more times.
Meanwhile there's like 8 people around manipulating all the tubes and hoses that are attached to the patient. Eventually, the doctor is in tears. He can't revive the patient. A kind older nurse says "He's gone, Jim. He's gone." The doctor breaks down over the patient as the paddles dramatically fall to the floor. He says, "call it, Doris." And the nurse looks at her watch and calls the time of death. Then the doctor stands up, removes his mask, says "I'll let his wife know" and leaves the room.
Yeah, you don’t defibrillate flatline cardiac rhythm like they do on TV. It’s a non-shockable rhythm.
19. Chemistry Is So Important
18. In Essence
17. I Thought I Was The First!
Most people don't realize how many people actually drive a car before it gets to the dealer.
16. Trust The Experts
15. Caffeine Fiend
14. A Strongly Worded Letter
13. It's Sentient
12. Silent As The Grave
11. Loose Lips
10. Doctor, Doctor
9. Special Delivery
8. The Mighty Body
Potential cancer cells develop in the human body every day and our immune system efficiently kills them without any trouble and we just go on living our lives like nothing ever happened.