
Procrastinate Much? 20 Proven Techniques to Boost Productivity

Procrastinate Much? 20 Proven Techniques to Boost Productivity

Planning for Success

If you’re reading this list, you clearly have big ideas and the drive to achieve them. But everyone needs a little help, and learning some of the tips and tricks used by others can be just the booster you need.

woman in black long sleeve shirt using macbookMagnet.me on Unsplash

1. Avoid Multitasking

The first step to mastering productivity is avoiding multitasking. Although it can seem beneficial, in reality, splitting your mind ends up slowing down two tasks instead of speeding up one task. Focus and finish one thing first before moving on to the next.

man holding a cup with coffeeJonas Leupe on Unsplash

2. Time Management

It may feel like there’s never enough time in the day to do everything, but that simply means you need to work on your time management. Using something like a planner or a calendar app is a good place to start.

person wearing brown and white watchBrad Neathery on Unsplash

3. Eliminate Distractions

It’s like the world is trying to distract us. From notifications on your phone to the latest internet stories—there’s always something vying for your gaze. That’s why you can consider cutting off your internet access or putting your phone on silent when you’re getting to work.

man in white crew neck shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses holding white tablet computerNubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

4. Set Goals

It’s important to have clear goals, and even better to detail the mini goals you need to take to achieve bigger and brighter things. The secret to productivity is in the planning!


person holding white Samsung Galaxy TabFirmbee.com on Unsplash

5. Time Blocking

One trick many people use to get ahead is time blocking. Essentially, what you do is break your time up into small segments, with each block dedicated to a specific task or a to-do. This trick works great alongside time management scheduling.

brown-and-white clocksJon Tyson on Unsplash

6. Two-Minute Rule

Another rule people use to make the most of their day is the two-minute rule. Basically, if something only takes two minutes to do, you stop everything you’re doing and finish that task.

pocket watch at 3:55Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

7. Make Lists

Making to-do lists is a great way to keep track of what’s on your plate, as well as a way to visualize your success. There’s nothing more satisfying than ticking off an item on a task list.

person writing on a bookCathryn Lavery on Unsplash

8. Clean Workspace

A clean workspace fosters creativity and productivity, while a messy workspace can make you feel sluggish and hinder progress. Take the time to arrange your desk as needed or clear out your office before sitting down to get started.

black laptop computer on brown wooden tableRemy_Loz on Unsplash

9. Taking Breaks

It may sound counterintuitive, but taking breaks is actually essential to productivity. It gives your mind a moment to rest and come back fresher. If you’re ever stuck on something, it’s a great excuse to step away for a minute.

person holding coffee mugNathan Dumlao on Unsplash

10. Prepare the Night Before

If you know you have a lot on your plate the next day, it’ll be beneficial to start preparing the night in advance. For example, you can clean up your workspace the day before or make your to-do list before waking up.


MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on tableAndrew Neel on Unsplash

11. Use Sticky Notes

Sticky notes not only serve as a great reminder of things that need to be done, but they’re also a great mood and productivity booster. You can leave yourself words of encouragement and look at them whenever you’re feeling doubtful.

paper on wallJason Goodman on Unsplash

12. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is also essential to boosting productivity, as you need to be well-rested to perform at your best. Physical health actually correlates strongly with mental fortitude and creative output.

woman sleeping on blue throw pillowbruce mars on Unsplash

13. Reward Systems

Another way to push yourself to do more is to implement a reward system. Keep track of your successes and dangle rewards on the other end. For example, if you finish all your tasks for the day, you can treat yourself to a special dessert.

jar of M&M'sRobert Anasch on Unsplash

14. Delegate

There’s no harm in asking for help, and if a task can be delegated, you shouldn’t be afraid to do so. For instance, if your to-do list is full of chores, you should be able to ask your partner for help.

Anna TarazevichAnna Tarazevich on Pexels

15. Hydrate

Returning to the point on physical health, drinking enough water and staying hydrated are directly linked to your awareness and alertness. You can’t be expected to perform at your best if you’re not taking care of your body.

woman in black long sleeve shirt holding blue plastic bottleBindle Bottle on Unsplash

16. Set Reminders

With access to so much useful technology, it only makes sense to use the alarm systems on our computers and phones to help with time management and alert us to urgent tasks.


Photo By: Kaboompics.comPhoto By: Kaboompics.com on Pexels

17. Automation

Automation is a relatively recent innovation, but it basically involves using technology to do tasks. For example, instead of spending hours proofreading, you can use Grammarly. Or instead of responding to basic emails, you can have an auto-responder set up.

Anna TarazevichAnna Tarazevich on Pexels

18. Use Music

Music has a way of supporting our emotions and correlating with our feelings—that’s why so many people depend on workout playlists, after all. Don’t be afraid to play certain songs as your productivity songs, especially if they motivate you.

several guitars beside of side tableWes Hicks on Unsplash

19. Productivity Journals

Lots of people swear by the effectiveness of productivity journaling. It’s a great place to collect your ideas, write out your goals, and plan schedules too.

person writing bucket list on bookGlenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

20. Work Hard, Play Hard

Maintaining balance is important, and pushing for productivity all the time can be counterintuitive. If you have an especially difficult day, don’t be afraid to give yourself time and space. If you work hard, be sure to play hard too!

a man sitting at a desk with a laptop and headphonesNubelson Fernandes on Unsplash