Who Needs Independence Anyways?
Women have quickly climbed the ranks: graduating from competitive programs, joining the workforce, and even running for office. But for some, being a housewife is the ultimate goal. Before you slide that ring on your finger, here are 20 things worth considering if you’re planning on staying home.
1. Financial Security
Plenty of women who find the traditional lifestyle attractive have certain monetary expectations. This includes having their bills taken care of and living comfortably on someone else’s dime. Of course, if the arrangement works for both parties, a traditional wife doesn’t have to worry about the bank account.
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2. Focus on Parenting
Without the burden of a 9 to 5, the traditional wife can focus on the most important job of all: parenting. She can spend all her time with her children, ensuring strong family bonds and teaching them important skills.
3. Enjoy Domestic Hobbies
There are plenty of charming domestic hobbies the traditional wife enjoys, including cooking and baking. When she’s not testing out the latest recipes, she can indulge in sewing, gardening, and interior design.
4. Clear Responsibilities
Some women enjoy the clear division of labor. It’s easier to get through life when responsibilities are laid out in front of you, and for most traditional wives, that extends to homemaking and parenting.
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5. Preserving Traditions
Many traditional wives were influenced by their parents and communities, with most of them coming from generations of stay-at-home moms. For these women, being a traditional wife is the only acceptable outcome.
6. Sleep In
While this is impossible with a baby in the house, a traditional wife with no kids or older ones can enjoy sleeping in every morning. With no boss to report to, she can wake up when she feels so inclined.
7. Reduced Stress
Without the stress of bills, promotions, and taxes, most traditional wives can take it easy. They are taught to rely on their husbands and can indulgently relax while someone else handles the complicated stuff.
8. Spend Time On What Matters
For most people, spending time with loved ones is the most valuable part of their life. As a traditional wife, you can focus on what matters most and spend every waking hour with your kids and husband.
9. Maintained House
A traditional wife doesn’t have to worry about guests walking into a messy house. She keeps on top of the chores and enjoys an essentially spotless home.
10. Religious Merit
Lots of traditional wives associate their lifestyle with religion. They take their vows very seriously, eager to obey their husbands and embrace their femininity. For many of these women, indulging in traditional gender roles is a form of worship.
Now that we’ve discussed the reasons some women choose the traditional lifestyle, here are 10 all-too-real dangers that should make them think twice.
1. Financial Dependence
Financial dependency is dangerous, plain and simple. A traditional wife will always be reliant on her husband, and should anything happen to him, she will have nothing left. Buying groceries or picking up shampoo is something she needs an allowance for.
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2. Lack of Control
A traditional wife is secondary in her household, especially when it comes to making decisions. Many wives are fine with this—until their husband tells them to get rid of their dog or makes a comment on their wardrobe.
3. No Career
Many people find their careers fulfilling, but for traditional wives, giving up work aspirations is just part of the deal. Even when their children are grown and gone, these women will have trouble finding roles for themselves.
4. Isolated
Modern women, often considered the antithesis of the traditional wife, are able to make friends through work. They usually have bigger and broader social circles, while traditional wives only manage to make "mom friends" through school connections.
5. Unequal Dynamics
There is undoubtedly an imbalance of power in traditional households. What the husband says goes, even if the wife isn’t a fan. From the color of the walls to the child’s name, the man often has the ultimate say.
6. Gender Roles
Traditional gender roles can be quite demanding. While some think traditional wives are lucky to stay home while the man works, in reality, the woman often works longer hours. Her job never ends. She wakes up, makes food, cleans the house, takes care of the kids, and tends to her husband. She doesn’t get to go home after a hard day and put her feet up.
7. If He Fails
In an ideal relationship, the husband is a generous saint who the woman can trust to take care of her. But even if he’s all that, the risk of failure remains. What if a bad business decision leads to bankruptcy? As the sole breadwinner, the husband is under immense stress, and the household falls apart if he fails.
8. Unaffordable
In today’s modern world, being a traditional wife is simply unaffordable. The cost of living is too high, which unfortunately leads to countless women taking on the traditional role and working on top of that. Chores should be divided equally if both parties are working.
9. Vulnerable to Divorce
If a traditional wife is ever divorced, her world crumbles around her. She has no career prospects, no money of her own, and obviously the kids are going to the man capable of providing for them. Similarly, if the husband ever cheats, there’s very little the woman can do when she’s dependent on him.
10. Lack of identity
A traditional woman's entire identity is dictated by her partner and her children. She’s a mother and a wife, and for many, that’s more than enough. But for others, their lives have bigger purposes. You can be a mother, a wife, and so much more. There’s no reason to settle for one or the other.