Relationship Pet Peeves Most Couples Complain About

Relationship Pet Peeves Most Couples Complain About

Common Pet Peeves A Lot of Couples Will Face

In any relationship, there are always a couple of pet peeves each person has to face. Whether it's personal frustrations or more general annoyances, no relationship is perfect. While you might have some unique pet peeves like a weird sounding laugh or loud chewing, there are definitely several pet peeves that feel a bit more universal. No one really wants these in a relationship, but they're definitely hurdles you can overcome. As you think about what some of your own pet peeves are, here are 20 that most couples will complain about. How many on the list do you agree with?

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1. Excessive Phone Use

A common pet peeve among couples is when one partner uses their phone way too much, especially during conversations, meals, or special moments. This behavior can make the other person feel ignored or undervalued, leading to feelings of disconnect and annoyance.

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2. Lack of Communication

Communication issues often top the list of relationship pet peeves. When one partner fails to openly share their thoughts, feelings, or concerns, it can create misunderstandings and resentment, slowly knocking away at the foundation of trust and openness in the relationship.

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3. Not Listening

Being with someone who doesn't listen attentively can feel deeply frustrating, especially if it happens frequently. It's not just about hearing the words, but it's about actively engaging and understanding what's being said.


Constantly being ignored is a quick and easy way to make anyone feel unimportant and dismissed.

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4. Messiness or Lack of Organization

Tired of picking up after your significant other? You're not alone; difference in cleanliness and organizational habits can be a major source of irritation. If one person is tidy and the other is messy, it's no surprise that it can lead to random arguments at any time.

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5. Forgetting Important Dates

Forgetting anniversaries, birthdays, or any other significant date is a massive pet peeve for many couples. It can make the other partner feel unloved or forgotten, especially if they're big on celebrations.

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6. Jealousy

You see it on TV, in movies, in books, and it's definitely true in real life too: unwarranted jealousy or possessiveness is a big strain on relationships. Trust is the cornerstone to any healthy relationship, and jealousy is something that can break that bond.

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7. Not Making Time for Each Other

Life can get really busy, so it's important you and your partner understand that. However, consistently failing to make time for each other can become a serious complaint. It's essential that you try your hardest to maintain that connection so it doesn't become a pet peeve for your partner. It's vital that you always demonstrate your relationship is a priority.

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8. Over-Dependence

It's definitely healthy to rely on each other, but over-dependence can start to feel suffocating.


If you don't try to strike a balance between dependence and independence, it can easily become a pet peeve, affecting the relationship dynamic.

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9. Snoring

A more lighthearted, kind of funny, yet very common pet peeve is snoring. Anyone who has a partner that snores know this struggle! Although it's pretty much beyond your control, it can still be annoying at times, especially if you're desperately trying to get some sleep.

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10. Not Sharing Household Chores

Are you doing all the laundry, mopping the floor, and doing the dishes? Uneven distribution of household chores can slowly feel more and more annoying. When one partner starts to feel they are doing an unfair share of the workload, it'll become a frustrating pet peeve always having to look after the other.

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11. Interrupting During Conversations

Can't get a full sentence out? Constantly being interrupted while you're talking is a pet peeve that seems mild at first, but can quickly build and lead to feelings of frustration. Who wants to be cut off while they're talking?

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12. Being Indecisive

Many couples express being indecisive as an annoying pet peeve. When you're taking an hour just trying to decide what to get for dinner, it can feel like a lot. This can range from anything like planning dates, selecting a movie, and so on.


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13. Not Expressing Appreciation

After you've been dating for a while, it's easy to start taking things for granted. But don't! A common pet peeve is that individuals start to feel underappreciated for the things they do for their partner. Don't forget to express simple expressions of gratitude for everyday tasks or gestures - the littlest things can sometimes mean the most.

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14. Always Running Late

Is your partner frequently late to plans or dates? It can become a pet peeve when they're constantly failing to manage their time effectively. If it starts to feel disrespectful or starts to affect you and your time, it'll only lead to annoyance and tension.

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15. Being Overly Critical

Does your partner have a bit of a blunt mouth? Criticism, even about small things, can wear down a relationship if it feels unnecessary. Constructive feedback is healthy, but nitpicking and bringing bad vibes can only bring negative things.

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16. Refusing to Apologize

Don't be so prideful, say sorry when you need to! Refusing to apologize, especially after a mistake or an argument is a common source of irritation many couples experience. It's important that you acknowledge your wrongdoing - it's key to resolving conflicts peacefully and maintaining a healthy relationship.

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17. Ignoring Boundaries

One pet peeve that often goes more unnoticed is if your partner starts getting up all in your business.


Disregarding your personal space can slowly feel frustrating and lead to many arguments. It's important you recognize when each of you need some space, and that it's respectfully given. Read the signals!

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18. Publicly Embarrassing Each Other

Some couples complain about being embarrassed by their partner in social settings, whether through inappropriate jokes, revealing personal information, or dismissive comments. If your partner has made it clear they don't like it, don't do it! It's a small pet peeve that can easily grow into a more serious concern.

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19. Inflexibility or Stubbornness

Stubbornness can be a difficult trait to deal with in any relationship. Being unwilling to compromise can feel frustrating for the other person. It's important to remember relationships require give and take, so sometimes, you have to be willing to give up a part of what you want. 

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20. Selective Listening

Paying attention only to what one wants to hear, rather than the full scope of communication, can be deeply irritating. It can lead to repeated conversations and the feeling that important concerns are being ignored.

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