Rude Things To Stop Doing On Airplanes

Rude Things To Stop Doing On Airplanes

After arriving several hours early, going through security, overpaying for fast food, waiting to board, and finally cramming yourself into coach…things are a little tense on airplanes. Do you know what makes it worse, though? These 20 behaviors, all of which should be banned immediately! 

1. Reclining Your Seat

It would be nice if every passenger could recline or if all airplane food was free—but it’s not a perfect world. There’s only so much room on a plane, even in first class, and abruptly reclining your seat all the way back is not only rude but could hurt someone. 

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2. Take Both Armrests

We know we’re on a crammed air tube for the next couple of hours, but that doesn’t mean one person is entitled to all the comfort. Taking both armrests is the equivalent of manspreading, and it’s the ultimate way to get on someone’s nerves.

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3. Personal Grooming

Hey, we’re all for personal hygiene so long as it’s done off the plane. There’s absolutely no reason to clip your fingernails, spray dry shampoo, or tweeze chin hairs in your seat. Whatever you think can’t wait definitely can (or at least be brought to the bathroom).

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4. Asking to Switch Seats

Some passengers specifically book window seats because they get motion sick or need the distraction to calm their nerves. Plenty of protocols exist to help you secure seats, too, so don’t ask other passengers to forgo theirs—and while we’re on the subject, don’t give them stink eye for not parting with them either. 

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5. Early Boarding

Technically this happens pre-boarding, but it’s irritating all the same. Check the zone on your boarding pass so you know when to line up.


Crowding the gates delays take-off and there’s no reason to try and skip the line when you quite literally can’t. 

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6. Hogging the Overhead Bin

Carry-on limits exist for a reason and huge secondary bags not only delay flights but take up the entire overhead bin. Remember that the plane needs to accommodate everyone’s luggage, so being a bin hog drastically delays takeoff. 

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7. Ignoring Safety Precautions

Safety protocols are meant to keep you safe; ignoring them puts everyone at risk. Seatbelts protect passengers from turbulence or significant motion (such as takeoff or landing), so try not to get up when the light is on.

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8. Being Too Chatty

Eight hours suddenly become 20 minutes with a great seatmate, but the truth is that not everyone wants to chat. Read the room and don’t make small talk with uninterested people—even if your heart’s in the right place, it can be irksome. 

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9. Taking Off Your Shoes

Hey, guess what! A plane isn’t a living room, so shoes on at all times. It doesn’t matter if it’s a long flight, shoes and especially socks belong on people’s feet. Letting the dogs loose is just unsanitary and inconsiderate of others, not to mention flight attendants will just ask you to put them back on anyway.



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10. Not Moving

Planes are crowded (hot take, we know), but the onus is still on you to make space. Make room for someone if they need to get up from their seat. It saves you both the awkwardness of bumping against each other or dirty looks.

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11. Being Rude to Flight Attendants

Flight attendants work long hours and deal with all kinds of nonsense—they don’t need added stress. We admit that some woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but you won’t get anywhere matching their energy and it’s ultimately bad decorum to get snippy with those trying to make your flight enjoyable. 

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12. Inebriation 

A drink here or there isn’t a big deal, but getting hammered in the air is a buzzkill. Belligerent passengers ruin a flight, especially if children are onboard or they get snippy with flight attendants. Reserve that kind of drinking for pubs, not planes.  

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13. Putting Your Feet Up

We all want to be comfortable on planes, but kicking up your heels often means your shoes are in someone’s face. In addition to the poor passenger in front of you, you also invade your seatmate’s personal space. Keep your feet to yourself.

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14. Kicking the Seat

It’s natural to bump seats with so little space and most passengers forgive the occasional kick. However, patience runs thin pretty quick if you make it a habit—to avoid bothering (or even injuring) the person in front of you, grab what you need from your carry-on and cool it with the fidgeting. 

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15. No Headphones

In-flight entertainment or video games are best enjoyed privately.


You wouldn’t like it if someone blasted music on a public bus right? The same applies to airplanes. 

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16. Rowdy Conversations

Destination weddings, bridal showers, or even just a getaway with friends are all cause for celebration. At the end of the day, though, you’re in public and not everyone wants to hear loud conversation or raucous laughter, especially if it’s a long flight. Try to contain the excitement for the destination. 

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17. Exiting First

You did it! You made it off the plane first and saved ten seconds! All jokes aside, we know it’s tempting to flee a plane after a grueling flight but try not to cut in line or snatch your bags from the overhead bin. We’re all going to the same place. 

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18. Pulling on Seats

Unless you want a potential scolding, don’t pull on the seat in front of you to get up. Passengers won’t take too kindly to you rousing them out of sleep or craning their necks back, not to mention you could hurt someone. 

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19. Not Disciplining Children

Though your kids are fussy, you still need to ensure they don’t run around like prison escapees. Don’t allow them to scurry up and down the aisles or bother your seatmate—not everyone likes children and no one wants to have their seat kicked. 

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20. Flinging Your Hair

A simple hair tie keeps those locks protected, so there’s no need to fling your hair back onto the seat behind you. The last thing a passenger wants is their in-flight movie shrouded by a mop of hair.



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