
Runaway Bride: 10 Signs It's Just Cold Feet & 10 That Say It's Something More Serious

Runaway Bride: 10 Signs It's Just Cold Feet & 10 That Say It's Something More Serious

How Can You Tell If You're Making The Biggest Mistake Of Your Life?

Are you about to get married but instead of excitement, you're feeling a strange mixed bag of emotions? It's normal to feel nervous before the big day, but there are some signs that could indicate it's something more. To keep you from making any rash decisions, here are 10 signs it's just cold feet and 10 more serious ones to pay attention to. 

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1. Nervousness

Does what you're feeling feel like nervousness? It's normal to feel nervous about your wedding. It's a major life event after all. 

woman in white long sleeve shirt lying on bedAhtziri Lagarde on Unsplash

2. Overthinking Minor Flaws

If you're overthinking the little things that your partner has always done, it's probably just your anxious brain making a big deal out of things that aren't. If you're noticing big red flags, that's another story. However, if you've made it this far in your relationship, chances are these small flaws aren't deal breakers. 

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3. Comparing Yourself To Others

If your concerns stem from comparing yourself to others, you can ignore them. If you feel good about your relationship and you feel like you want to get married, that's all that matters, 

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4. Your Stress Is Tied To Temporary Factors

Having problems at work or having some family drama? It's easily to mistakenly peg your stress on your impending marriage, but try to get to the true source of it. Otherwise, you might make a rash decision that's all wrong.



Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

5. Your Uncertainty Comes From External Influences

Is your uncertainty coming from some deep-seeded doubt or is it just external influences like friends and family who are getting into your psyche? If it's the latter, go ahead and ignore it.

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6, You Still Feel Excited

Ask yourself if you still feel excited despite the nerves. If so, it's a sure sign you really do want to get married and it's just stress getting in the way.

woman riding on back of manCarly Rae Hobbins on Unsplash

7. You Feel Love

A key question is "do you feel love for your partner"? Before marrying them, you should make sure this is true. Marriage won't make love magically appear.

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8. You're Fearful Of Change

There's a good chance your feelings of doupt are just because you're apprehensive about change. Marriage is a big step and it's okay to feel a little fearful. 

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9. Your Feelings Fluctuate

Are you feeling super excited and confident one minute but nervous and uncertain the next? Having inconsistent feelings is often how stress manifests itself. If you have constant dread, that's when you should start paying attention.

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10. This Feeling Is Familiar

Are you someone who gets anxious about big decisions in your life? If you've felt this way before, it's probably just a pattern and not a reason to steer off course. 

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Now that we've covered the signs that what you're feeling is just nerves, let's go over the ones that suggest it's something more serious.



1. You Have A Persistent Gut Feeling

There's some truth behind the expression "go with your gut". Having inconsistent jabs of anxiety is a classic sign of nerves, but if what you've been experiencing is an undying negative gut feeling, it could be cause for alarm. 

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2. You Have Feelings Of Constant Dread

Do you dread your marriage? Monitor that feeling. If it lingers for a long period, you may want to reconsider your life choices.

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3. You Don't Feel Connected To Your Fiancé

If you're planning a wedding, chances are you and your partner are preoccupied with preparation and might not feel as connected as usual. However, try to spend some quality time together before the big day so you can attest whether the disconnect is just the result of being busy or it's something more. 

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4. You Don't Care About Wedding Planning

If you're someone who usually likes planning fun things but simply can't find the motivation for your own wedding, that could be a sign that you don't really want to get married. If you're not actively planning your wedding, maybe there's a side of you that believes it's not really going to happen.

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5. You Fantasize About Being Single

Are you thinking about being single a lot? Then, maybe you should be. Don't forget, you're about to make your relationship status permanent.

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6. You Feel Emotionally Distressed

There's normal wedding nerves and then there's feeling emotionally distressed. If your mental or physical health is suffering because of this decision, that's something to pay attention to.



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7. You Don't Want To Get Married

People get married for all kinds of reasons but it's important that at the end of the day, you're doing it because you want to, not because of family pressure, society, or fear. Not wanting to get married or not wanting it enough is plenty reason to not do it.

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8. You Don't Trust Your Partner

Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. If you feel uneasy about honesty or loyalty in your relationship, you shouldn't even be thinking about marriage. 

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9. You Don't Feel Happy In Your Relationship

Marriage isn't going to suddenly bring you happiness in your relationship. If you're not getting married because you're most happy when you're with your partner, maybe you shouldn't be getting married.

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10. There Are Some Serious Red Flags 

It's easy to get caught up in the honeymoon phase of your relationship. Wearing rose-colored glasses, you might've not seen some of the red flags you're just now noticing. If they're more than minor flaws, it's a good idea to address them before you're married.

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