Stop Making These 10 Wedding Decor Mistakes, Try These 10 Instead

Stop Making These 10 Wedding Decor Mistakes, Try These 10 Instead

No Big Mistakes On Your Big Day

Here comes the truth–– when planning a wedding there's too much to think about. From the dinner plates to the ceremony arch, decor takes up a lot of your thinking space. To help ease your mind, we've narrowed down the top wedding decor do's and don't's, fixing potential mistakes first so you don't make any.  

Top Photo (4)Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

1. Mixing Too Many Themes

You and your spouse-to-be might have a lot of history but that doesn't mean you have to showcase it all. If you mix too many styles or theme ideas, it becomes a mashup of confusion and clutter. Omitting a theme altogether is also a no-no because you'll end up with the same result.   

30414992674 68802C7Ed7 CTori deLeon on Flickr

Try This: One Cohesive Theme

Decide on one theme together that makes the most sense to your relationship. Maybe you go with a travel theme because you met abroad, or a bohemian theme because you're both hipsters at heart. Whatever you do, choose one and roll with it. 

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2. Ignoring The Venue

From a rustic barn to an upscale restaurant, there's a variety of wedding venues to host your day. You know that feeling when you show up to a party under or overdressed? Well, the same goes for decor. If you don't consider the style of the venue with your theme, it could end up clashing and not making sense.  

Steven-Van-Elk-Fyvpvrjiqmm-UnsplashSteven Van Elk on Unsplash


Try This: Choose A Venue That Matches Your Style

Choose the right venue that coincides with your vision and vibe. If you envision a royal ball, opt for an elegant manor with grand chandeliers and delicate silverware. You might choose a backyard wedding with wooden tables by the garden if a whimsical fairytale is your dream. 

Lukas-Esuxy2Purx0-UnsplashLukas on Unsplash

3. Overloading On DIY  

DIY projects can be wonderful for adding a personal flare to your decor and keeping costs lower, but don't over do it. Too many decorations will cause a visual overload and a lot of clutter which could end up looking tacky. If your centerpiece takes over the table, there will be no space for that four course dinner. 

Pexels-Burak-Evlivan-159589296-17295733Burak Evlivan on Pexels

Try This: Don't Do Everything Yourself!

You have enough on your plate, don't make all the tableware too! If all of your decor are DIY crafts it'll take up a lot of your time. DIY the elements that mean most to you and leave the rest to the pros. Consider buying the complex items like floral arrangements and lighting fixtures and get crafty with details like table numbers and a card box.

Jacalyn-Beales-L0-Xi3 Ezgg-UnsplashJacalyn Beales on Unsplash

4. Neglecting Comfort

Sometimes you have to sacrifice design for comfort. Those iron chairs might look the part but if they're uncomfortable to sit in, look for something else. You don't want your guests leaving with sore bottoms, they'll remember that more than what your furniture looked like.   

7680529522 E3353F1998 CThibault Muller on Flickr

Try This: Consider Guest Experience

There are stylish ways you can add comfort to your event space that will encourage guests to celebrate all night long. Look for decorative padded chairs for the reception or create a lounge area where friends can take a breather. Don't squish too many people around the table either, you don't want people elbowing their neighbors. 

Zane-Persaud-Ec6Qjfnab9E-UnsplashZane Persaud on Unsplash

5. Forgetting About Lighting

When you're focused on decor you might forget about the lights. Lighting creates ambience and will set the tone of your space. Your venue might lack windows or it might have lightbulbs that are too bright so it's important to know what you're working with.  

Benjamin-Salvatore-Jefbypu0Imy-UnsplashBenjamin Salvatore on Unsplash


Try This: Include Lights In Your Decor Plan

Make sure you know what your venue looks like day and night and what lights come with it. When you're choosing your decor, incorporate lighting fixtures in your vision. Turn the room aglow from the ceiling to the centerpieces.   

Shelly-Pence-Gcw93Uuljgo-UnsplashShelly Pence on Unsplash

6. Not Considering Climate

You can't control the weather but you can control what you do about it. If you don't tie down the garland, the wind might whisk it away and if there's a downpour, the rain might wash off your chalkboard menu at the bar. The season will also influence the style and placement of your decor.    

Pavlo-Semeniuk--Olxbcgx92A-UnsplashPavlo Semeniuk on Unsplash

Try This: Plan For Bad Weather

Your wedding will go on rain or shine! If you plan for the worst, it won't matter what Mother Nature decides to do that day. Rent a tent if your venue is outside, use heaters or a fire pit if it's cold, and secure all your decorations so they don't fly away. Have an indoor and outdoor plan to make a last minute decision.

Marquee-419284 1280Manfred Antranias Zimmer on Pixabay

7. Buying Too Many Flowers

You're not planting a garden so save your green thumb for your yard. Buying too many flowers for your wedding is an overkill that'll eat your budget. Don't hide those DIY projects you put all that hard work into–– too many florals will distract from the rest of your decor.  

Pexels-Bertellifotografia-16120212Matheus Bertelli on Pexels

Try This: Less Is More

A few flower arrangements go a long way. Spread out your greenery throughout the space and decide what areas of your venue need it most. Consider scent as well–– you don't want to blast your guests with an overpowering perfume.   

Jeremy-Wong-Weddings-Rninejo67E0-UnsplashJeremy Wong Weddings on Unsplash

8. Skimping On The Budget

If you're unrealistic with your budget you will come across unpleasant surprises. Make sure you know how much things cost before you start shopping. Omitting details because you can't afford them will make you and your bare table look sad. 

Alexander-Grey--8A5Ej1-Mmq-UnsplashAlexander Grey on Unsplash


Try This: Spread Out Your Funds

Spend your wedding fund wisely–– don't dent your budget on one extravagant item. You might have to sacrifice the gold-rimmed champagne flutes so you can afford more glassware and that's ok. These small details won't break your aesthetic, it'll only break the bank.  

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9. Skipping The Test Run

Save your tears for the speeches–– don't cry because your centerpiece won't fit on the tables. You won't save time by skipping the trial run if you have to make last minute alterations. Don't assume all your decorations and tableware work together without seeing it with your own eyes. 

14739119983 B8E759Eb4C CJudith Schneider on Flickr

Try This: A Decor Dress Rehearsal 

Before you buy anything, know the sizes of your tables, floorspace, and the design of your layout. This way you can create a mock display at home to make sure everything fits. If you can visit your venue prior to the day, bring some decor along for a trial run. You can assure your decorations fit in style and in size. 

Kelly-Sikkema-1Tlgfppfdza-UnsplashKelly Sikkema on Unsplash

10. Clashing Colors

You hired your dream photographer and you want the day to be captured perfectly. Your photos will turn out wonderfully but you have to set the scene. Clashing colors will be distracting in the moment and in your wedding album. 

Rhondak-Native-Florida-Folk-Artist- Yc7Otffn-0-UnsplashRhondaK Native Florida Folk Artist on Unsplash

Try This: Stick To A Color Palate 

To save your worries of a color crisis, choose a palate ahead of time and stick with it. This will not only create a visually pleasing atmosphere but it'll make the whole planning process easier. From the groomsmen's ties to the dinner napkins, choose colors that compliment each other and your vibe. 

Taylor-Heery-Hv2Yjqdxyi0-UnsplashTaylor Heery on Unsplash