
We Have Fun Right? 10 Signs Your Relationship Is Boring & How To Spice Things Up

We Have Fun Right? 10 Signs Your Relationship Is Boring & How To Spice Things Up

How To Get You Back To The Honeymoon Stage 

Are you worried your relationship has lost its spark and is getting dull? If you have to ask yourself if you're having fun, it may be a sign you need to spice things up. From dates on the couch to dates out of town, here are signs your relationship is boring and how to reignite the spark:    

Alex GreenAlex Green on Pexels

1. You Always Go To The Same Places 

Date nights are rare, but when you do go out, you always choose the same restaurants. The staff call you "regulars" and know your drink order before you sit at the table. It's nice to support your favorite local spot, but your dates aren't very exciting.   

couple dining outWiktor Karkocha on Unsplash

2. You Go On Dates To Costco

When you start calling your monthly trip to Costco a date, you know you've reached a dull phase. Maybe you thrive on nibbling free samples and find the deals exhilarating, but buying a pack of 40 toilet paper rolls isn't that romantic. A quick hotdog for lunch doesn't count as a date, either!  

a building with a sign that says costco whole saleOmar Abascal on Unsplash

3. You Sleep In Full Coverage Pajamas

You can't remember the last time you wore anything close to lingerie. You've both ditched the silk and lace for full-length flannels. The bigger they are, the comfier they feel, which makes them perfect for streaming Netflix

man in red and black plaid dress shirt holding white ceramic mugEugenia Pankiv on Unsplash


4. You Can't Break Routine For Spontaneity 

You've both settled into daily routines that don't leave much room for spontaneity. When something out of the ordinary comes up, like an invite to a concert on a Tuesday, you're not likely to accept. Being unable to break your routines could be a sign your relationship needs a little spice.  

Ketut SubiyantoKetut Subiyanto on Pexels

5. You Binge-Watch Way Too Many Shows

An inspiring relationship needs to get you off the couch. Cuddling up and watching shows together is cute and cozy, but there's only so much romance you can get from binge-watching Game of Thrones. It's time to take your eyes off the screen and try something new.  

JESHOOTS.comJESHOOTS.com on Pexels

6. You Know Exactly What Each Other Orders

It comes with being settled down and sticking to your comfort zone; you're getting predictable! You've been together long enough to know what each other likes and you don't often try something new. You've hit a comfy spot in your relationship and it's easy not to branch out. 

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7. You Don't Dress Up Anymore

When was the last time you got dressed up and went out? The wedding you went to last year doesn't count. If you can't remember when you made the effort to get ready for your date, it's a sign you're way past the honeymoon stage. 

Ron LachRon Lach on Pexels

8. Your Conversations Are Shallow

You once talked about your dreams and aspirations and now you only talk about what's for dinner. It may be a sign your relationship is boring if all you talk about are work and chores. It's time to spark up the conversation and engage in deeper topics that help your grow. 

Surprising_SnapShotsSurprising_SnapShots on Pixabay

9. You Eat Meals On The Couch

Do you have a lot of TV dinners? Even after you spent the time to cook a homemade meal, you both end up in your separate comfy chairs eating in front of the screen. If you have a habit of eating all of your dinners like this, it's a sign of boredom.   

Ketut SubiyantoKetut Subiyanto on Pexels


10. You Play On Your Phones 

It's a common occurrence for you both to play games on your phones when you're in each other's company. You get caught in the rabbit hole of scrolling and forget who you're sitting next to. If you haven't noticed yet, you're spending your quality time on separate devices. 

Just because you've reached a boring phase in your relationship doesn't mean it's doomed. There are simple and enticing things you can introduce that'll spice things up and refuel the romance.

men's black crew neck shirtShawn Fields on Unsplash

1. Make Date Nights Regular

Make a point of scheduling date nights at least twice a month. It's easy to get caught up with work and family life and forget to treat yourselves. When date nights become a part of your routine it'll add more fun to your relationship and improve your well-being. 

white ceramic plate on brown wooden tableHitesh Dewasi on Unsplash

2. Explore New Places Together

Make a little extra effort and go somewhere new. Skip the usual pub on Friday and try that new place on the other side of town. Dining at a new restaurant or exploring a new location will open your world to more possibilities and entice your relationship.   


3. Talk Openly About Your Love Language

If you don't already know what makes your partner's heart throb, this could be your next talking point. Find out what your love languages are and act on them. These actions are bound to spice up your relationship and create more intimacy. 

close-up photography of heart shaped fairy lite on brown sandFadi Xd on Unsplash

4. Get Off The Couch 

If you truly want to spice things up, get off the couch! Limit your TV watching and social media scrolling and make plans to go out or try something new at home. Plan a games night in or check out an event in your community.  

man and woman playing foosball tableBao Truong on Unsplash

5. Try New Activities 

It's time to save your relationship from boredom with new activities. Try something you can learn together like salsa dancing or join a recreational sports team with friends. Not into vigorous activities? Take a whack at a pottery class and recreate the famous romance scene from Ghost

group of people dancingArdian Lumi on Unsplash


6. Buy Each Other New PJs

Take a break from the flannels and slip on something special. A fun idea to spice up your love life is to gift each other with nice pajamas. It's a visual treat when you each wear what the other chooses and it could lead to a playful night.   

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7. Surprise Each Other

If you need to add more spark to your relationship, come up with a surprise for your partner. Bringing them home their favorite treat or taking them out on a surprise excursion shows you're thinking about them. Breaking up your routine with a happy surprise is bound to spice things up. 

Vija Rindo PratamaVija Rindo Pratama on Pexels

8. Make Meals At Home An Experience

Turn your dinners at home into a shared experience. Ditch the couch, sit down at the table and engage in conversation. Ignite the romance by lighting a candle and playing your favorite tunes in the background. You can take it up a notch by cooking new recipes together or having themed nights every once and a while.

man in white dress shirt holding a woman in brown long sleeve shirtJimmy Dean on Unsplash

9. Involve Intimate Activities 

If you're stuck in a romantic-less rut, discover intimate activities you want try. Sometimes you just need a little motivation to get you in the mood. There are plenty of games for couples you can buy online or websites offering romantic ideas to try at home.

Jonathan BorbaJonathan Borba on Pexels

10. Go Out Of Your Comfort Zone Together

One of the spiciest things you can do to your relationship involves stepping out of your comfort zone. It's easier to do this with your favorite person by your side and it'll benefit you both. If singing in public scares you, consider a karaoke duet or give couple's therapy a try if you haven't considered it before.   

man and woman holding handsJustin Groep on Unsplash