
What Your Love Language Says About You

What Your Love Language Says About You

What's Your Love Language?

You've probably heard the topic of "love languages" being thrown around lately, but in case you haven't, the five love languages are quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, and physical touch. Each of us supposedly has a primary love language, and becoming fluent in our partner's is the key to a happy relationship. The concept of the five love languages is nothing new. It was first discussed in a 1992 book by Gary Chapman and has anecdotally saved countless marriages. But have you thought about what your love language says about you? Here are four things each of the five languages reveals about your personality. 

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1. Quality Time: You're An Introvert

Those who value quality time are usually more introspective. They may find superficial interactions or socializing in large groups draining, but they thrive on deep interpersonal connections.

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2. Quality Time: You're A Good Listener

If you love quality time, you love deep talks. You truly want to understand your partner's inner world and will be an active, engaged listener in order to do so. 

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3. Quality Time: You're Not About Grand Gestures

Your partner can go wild planning extravagant events for you all they want, but all you really desire is distraction-free interaction. For you, simplicity is key.

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4. Quality Time: You Love Deep Conversations

As a quality time lover, you prefer deep talks to lighthearted interactions. You value your partner's insight and feel stimulated by profound discussions. 

man and woman sitting on gray beanbagToa Heftiba on Unsplash

5. Words Of Affirmation: You're An Extrovert

While quality time lovers tend to be more introverted, words of affirmation people are generally extroverts. They value verbal communication and tend to be good with words themselves.

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6. Words Of Affirmation: You Need A Partner Who's A Good Communicator

Being someone who values verbal communication, you get confused when things aren't clearly communicated. Passive-aggressive behavior isn't going to fly with you and will only lead to conflict.

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7. Words Of Affirmation: You're Highly Aware Of Tone & Language

You're sensitive to the words people use and the way they're spoken. Loving words can prop you up, but harsh ones can hurt you deeply. 

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8. Words Of Affirmation: Silence Feels Like Distance

If someone doesn't express verbally what they mean to you often enough, you might start to feel insecure or neglected. You might be someone who expects to hear "I love you" from your partner every day.

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9. Acts Of Service: You're Ambitious

There's a common misconception that people who have this as their love language are dependent. However, the opposite is more likely to be true. If you value your partner going out of their way to do things for you, you're probably busy and ambitious, and you appreciate that your partner sees that and is trying to lighten your load.

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10. Acts Of Service: You Believe Actions Speak Louder Than Words

If you're an acts-of-service kind of person, you appreciate gestures more than flowery verbal affirmations. If someone professes their love to you, you might think, "Sure, you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?" You see actions as tangible proof that they care about you.

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11. Acts Of Service: You're Practical

If acts of service is your love language, you might have a more pragmatic approach to relationships. For you, love is a verb, and you're more concerned with actually doing helpful actions.

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12. Acts Of Service: You Value Reliability

As actions speak louder than words, you appreciate people who follow through on their promises. If someone is lazy or breaks commitments, you see it as a lack of care, love, or respect.


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13. Gifts: Mementos Are Meaningful To You

There's a common misconception that people who value gifts are materialistic. However, it more likely means that you value tangible, physical keepsakes.

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14. Gifts: You're A Sentimental Person

As opposed to being materialistic, people who value gift-giving and receiving are usually highly sentimental. They attach a lot of meaning to items and are likely to hold onto and cherish them forever. 

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15. Gifts: You Appreciate Thoughtfulness

You put a lot of care and thought into the gifts you give, so you appreciate when the same is done for you. It's not about the value of the gift but about the thoughtfulness of the gesture. 

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16. Gifts: Special Occasions Are Important To You

As a sentimental person, you assign value to items as well as dates. If your partner forgets an important occasion like an anniversary, you wouldn't be able to brush it off easily: it would hurt you deeply. 

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17. Physical Touch: You're Warm & Expressive

Physical affection goes far beyond sexual intimacy. If you value touch, it means you're a warm person who shows your support through things like hugs. 

woman in black long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans covering her face with her handIgor Érico on Unsplash

18. Physical Touch: You’re Emotionally Intuitive 

As someone who values physicality, you're good at reading non-verbal cues. Because you express things with your body, you're a master at reading body language, but when someone isn't naturally physically affectionate, it can be confusing for you.

man and woman holding handsPriscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

19. Physical Touch: You Value Deep Connections

Valuing physical touch signifies a desire for closeness. You thrive on deep, intimate connections as opposed to superficial ones. 

A man and woman cuddling together in bed.Becca Tapert on Unsplash

20. Physical Touch: You Find Words Insufficient

As a physical touch person, you might not be the best at expressing your feelings through words. You often find words insufficient and would rather speak through your touch.

man kissing woman's forehead while lying on bedToa Heftiba on Unsplash