
When Average Workdays Take a Turn For the Weird

When Average Workdays Take a Turn For the Weird


Most days at work are fairly predictable. We get into a routine, we do the same things hour after hour, and then we clock out and go home. Some days, however, end up being a little less predictable. Here are some true life accounts of work days that ended up getting weird.

Fire in a Crowded Theater


You've probably heard the phrase, 'like yelling 'FIRE' in a crowded theatre' to describe the onset of utter pandemonium, yeah? This is in fact not true.

We had an electrical fire in one of the projection booths while I was working at a very busy (20-screen) theatre. All of us employees had to go around to the individual cinemas to announce that there was a fire in the building and everyone had to stay calm and follow evacuation instructions.

No one really moved. The films were still running (except the one with the fire in the projection booth) and people were extremely reluctant to leave, even though we TOLD THEM THERE WAS A FIRE. Story credit: Reddit / gypsyblue

Just Google It


I was told--just yesterday, actually--that at the next management meeting, I have to give an hour presentation on how to use Google and its related services.

IT is cubicle doom. Story credit: Reddit / oseary

Jimmy Smits Saves the Day

Average-Workday-Turn-Weird-03.jpg.optimal.jpgFlickr / John Mathew Smith / CC 2.0

I work as a background actor in TV and films--a minimum wage job where talking to an actor on set could get you fired (which has happened to many of my friends.) One day I was sat next to Jimmy Smits in a bar scene, and tried to keep to myself.

Next thing I know, my brand new and completely silenced phone is ringing. I didn't know the alarm would go off even if everything was set to silent. I ran out of the room, only to return to one of the other actors in the scene saying I should be fired.

Jimmy Smits then stands up and announces to the room, "I'm sorry my phone rang, everyone, but I had to take it. It was my agent." He gave me a little nod as he sat down, and saved my job. Story credit: Reddit / MsDigbyChickenCaesar

Do Not Eat the Display


I work at a Sharis restaurant, which is basically like a regional IHOP in the PNW. In our front display case with fresh pies, we also had a tray of caramel pecan cinnamon rolls that were at least four years old, because they were sprayed with food preservatives and other stuff.

Calcified/hardened, impossible to do anything with. Apparently, we had a host (was eventually fired for good reason) that sold one of those rolls to a customer. A lady asked him for a roll, and pointed at the one in the display case.

Instead of telling her that those rolls were for display purposes only, he apparently took the tray into the back of the kitchen (how no one noticed is beyond me) and hacked at it with a steak knife and god knows what else.

He boxes the roll up, and sells it to the lady - meanwhile no one has noticed that the tray of rolls in the front display case is gone. Several hours later, this lady calls back and demands to speak with a manager. Apparently she had no idea what she was supposed to do with this "fossil."

Was she supposed to call the health department, the police, or what? I don't think she tried to eat it, though reportedly she microwaved it and it started smoking.

Needless to say, we gave her a full refund, as well as a free pack of cinnamon rolls. You'd think the guy cutting into it would have realized that if it takes that much effort to cut into the rolls, there's probably something amiss. Story credit: Reddit / goldy496


Life Finds a Way


I work as a software developer at a very large online retailer.

I tested a system I was working on for 15 minutes and caused a 30,000+ order backup. It wasn't supposed to be possible. I found a way. Story credit: Reddit / LotusFlare

Crunching the Numbers


I am a bank teller, and one day when balancing out my drawer I came up $30 short. Our policy says any outage over $25, long or short, results in a write-up. I was looking franticly hoping to find it, I've only been at my job for 3 months I didn't want to be wrote up.

After 30 minutes of searching every possible reason for why I would be short $30, I pilled up what my computer read for my tills, it said I had $980 in fifties. $980! In fifty dollar bills! I bring this to the attention of my boss so we could correct it. She confirmed that was the reason I was short. Story credit: Reddit / jakegrubbs19

Fire the Torpedoes!

Average-Workday-Turn-Weird-07.jpg.optimal.jpgWikipedia / Public Domain

We had a manning shortage and I ended up working in the fore-ends of a submarine and firing torpedoes worth over $6.5 million.

I know that in the movies it looks like the captain fires a torpedo by pressing a button in the control room, but in fact it only sends a signal to the forward torpedo room where a guy (in this case me) operates a handle with a small button on the top (like the hand-break on an old car) that actually propels them out of the tube with a burst of compressed air.

I 'fired' 6 Mk-48s that day worth (I was told at the time) $1.1 million each. Of course the expenditure was not actually so high because they were retrieved. Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

Embarrassing Moment


I overcharged a guy $20,000 on a credit card. He had a bill for $2,222 and I charged him $22,222. I had no idea a credit card machine would accept that much, let alone that anybody has a spending limit over $20,000 on a credit card.

I told him what happened after I found out over the weekend from the accounting department what I just did. So I called the guy and told him we were going to reimburse the $20k. His reply: "oh that's embarrassing. I didn't even notice it was missing."

Turns out he was a former Google VP. Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

Dump and Run


Friend of mine is a manager in a supermarket. Apparently elderly people shoplift more than young people. He told me stories of how he would witness an older woman hiding a ham under her dress and trying to walk out of the store.

He stopped her and went to call the police. She ended up pooping herself. He was so surprised, he just let her go. But this is apparently the "go-to" strategy when old people get caught stealing. Story credit: Reddit / holycowpies



I used to work at McDonald's. When they were paying the managers their regular bonuses, they put it to F. Lastname and got me (Franky Lastname) instead of the actual manager (Freddy Lastname). I saw it, let them know, and they reversed the payment so I wouldn't pay tax on it.

I never got the honesty reward they promised, but I did get a paycheck for "$-176.00" which I have framed at home as a memory of my three years there. Story credit: Reddit / roflharris




I once witnessed some flight attendants from a german national carrier perform an evacuation drill. after the inflatable slides deployed they all screamed, in sync: JUMP! SLIDE! RUN AWAY!

it's like the dance moves of life. Story credit: Reddit / DJS4000

Once in a Blue Moon


Customer Service rep here. Someone actually called back to thank me and told me I did a good job. I about burst into tears! Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

Lobster Secret Recipe


I cooked a lobster tail in the microwave and the bartender called me and my co-worker out into the dining room so the customer could tell us it was the best he had ever eaten and, "Red Lobster has nothing on you!"

In our defense, there should have been 5 cooks and there were only 2 of us, and the oven and steamer were both broken, so everything got microwaved that day. Story credit: Reddit / Chefbexter

Earning Negative Money


I used to work at SEARS back in college, and we were on commission in lawn and garden. One month we had a MASSIVE storm, with trees down all over town. Some people were looking at weeks to get out of their driveways, etc, if they waited on the city to clear.

So they would get out on to a main road and get a ride down to our place, figuring they'd buy some chains to yank the tree out of the way, or a chainsaw to cut it up, or something equally imminently reasonable. In theory.

Once they got home, they realized their Honda Civic wasn't going to pull that 40 foot tree anywhere, or that they didn't actually know how to use a chainsaw (blade oil, fuel mixture, etc.).

The city was actually incredibly good at getting stuff cleared, so most of this stuff got returned on me (I think we had a 1-month window where it could take our commission back).

So I come in to work and clock in that weekend, and I'm something like -$1,500 on my numbers. No one had ever seen someone start that much in the hole on a single day....

Worst day of my retail career.... Story credit: Reddit / Wadka

A Blue Moment


I am in college to become a special education teacher but I currently work part-time in a special education classroom as a paraprofessional.

We had a six year old girl with autism last year- sweetest kid in the world, but she didn't speak. Her mom had given up, and eventually she split and left her daughter in foster care.

Luckily a foster family in the area took her, so we were able to continue working. She was working well with a speech device, and that was enough for her teacher... but not for me. I tried to get her to speak at every opportunity.

June rolls around and it's the last 2 weeks of school. She's come a long way and done so much, but still hasn't said a word in her life. We're outside, playing in the grass, and I ask her "Jane, what's your favorite color?".

I expected the mechanical voice of the touchpad, but instead she deliberately pointed to the sky and said "Blueee". I cried, the other paraprofessional cried, and we called her foster parents so they could cry too. We never dreamed that would happen, but it did.

She's doing very well this year and has a vocabulary of about 20 words. I babysat for her over the summer and her 5th word was "friend", in reference to me. Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

Rotate the Eggs


While working at a supermarket, I was walking through the dairy department and saw a fellow employee over by the eggs. As I got closer I could see him with a carton open and he seemed to be turning each egg.

After doing the whole pack, I asked him what he was doing and he responded, “the manager asked me to rotate the eggs.” I facepalmed and explained what they actually meant, to which he replied, “that makes a lot more sense.”

For context, in the grocery world, to rotate means to make sure the earliest dates of expiration are towards the front of the shelf. Story credit: Reddit / Greystreet21


Daycare Fail


In a creche/daycare. One of the moms dropped off her baby & when handing him to one of the staff she kissed the staff member on the face and said "love you" and went off to work.

Phoned a couple hours later to say "I've just realised what I did this morning. I'm so sorry, I was half asleep and I guess I'm so used to handing him to my husband." We had a good laugh. Story credit: Reddit / Ajoc27

Croaky Work


One Monday morning, at 8AM, there was a frog in the lobby. Not a small frog, either--a big frog. The front doors were still locked and it was Monday morning, so we had no idea how the little guy got into the lobby.

He would've had to have hopped all the way from the back of the building to get to the lobby. Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

Nothing to See Here


A coworker (in a cotton mill) had a heart attack and died right there on the floor. The supervisor roped off the area around him and worked continued.

EMT, Coroner, Police were all doing their job as we worked around them. Story credit: Reddit / Wrong_Answer_Willie



I work in a kindergarden for kids with special needs. One kid kept going for a quiet place few times a day, and we figured he just needed some time alone. This was outside in the playground where there was a little treehouse in the back behind some trees.

On the third day of this happening I went to see what's up and encourage him to talk about why he needed time alone. I found him sitting on the ground eating one big spoon full of sand after the other.

We're not just talking baby eating sand here - more like a medium sized kid shoveling sand down his stomach like it was his favourite food. So yeah this little boy probably ate A LOT of sand during those three days and probably longer. Story credit: Reddit / jac0bk

What's in a Name?


One of our students rang me just after the birth of his first daughter and asked me to phonetically spell out her Arabic name for her birth certificate so that people would pronounce it correctly when reading it in English. Story credit: Reddit / franzyfunny

Let's Go Fly a Kite


One day, I'm sitting at my workstation, and the owner comes in. He opens the door to his office, which is behind me, and remarks, "Man! It is one windy day out there! Would be great kite-flying weather."

I said, "that's a pretty good idea. You should get one." "OK, I will!" He leaves the office, gets in his car, and drives to the store. I'm sitting there saying to myself, "Wow...I just told my boss to go fly a kite! And he's gonna do it!!"

Which he did, from the parking lot, when he returned. Story credit: Reddit / cmd_iii


No Running


I used to work in a chemical plant. The informal rule around the plant, due to the danger associated with most of the compound onsite, was that you never run anywhere, ever.

Running meant you were running from something, and oil rig workers, chemical plant operators and prison guards don't run unless there are lives in the balance.

Anyway, I'm in the control room, in the middle of a shift run when a new-ish guy comes streaking down the hall like his hair was on fire and his ass was catching. Following him, and trying to keep up are half of my equipment operators/technicians.

My mind raced at all the potential scenarios that could be happening to make thus full grown, ex military guy flee like a 6 year old girl.

I start to initiate an emergency reactor scram and quick stop, and hit the emergency over pressure bottles in the control room when the last guy in the conga line stops just outside my window with a simultaneous look of confusion and anger.

10 guys had abandoned their post because this one guy had diarrhea, and they played "follow the idiot" all the way to the men's room because he had us all thinking that the plant was going to explode. Needless to say, he got more than a stern talking to when he got finished. Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

Stay in School

Average-Workday-Turn-Weird-24.jpg.optimal.jpgFlickr / Mike Kalasnik / CC 2.0

I am a teacher and one of the 5th graders at our school went missing. We made all-calls for him asking him to come to the office, all the admin was searching everywhere. They started interviewing kids in his class. One kid said the boy mentioned going to Target.

A few teachers drove over to Target found him there stealing DVDs in his book bag. This kid crossed a six lane highway and made it to Target.

The teachers put the DVDs away and brought him back to school. The parent was contacted and responded with, "That sounds like something he would do." Story credit: Reddit / ltomasini

Got My Eye on You


I work in an office and thought it would be funny to put googly eyes on my coworkers desk one day. Everyone had a good laugh over it and a couple weeks I found googly eyes on all my stuff. It became a game of who could arrange googlys on peoples desk in the most creative/funny manner.

It was hilarious.. Then one of the adjacent departments caught wind of the good times we were having and started doing the same.

Cue a month later and there are googly eyes EVERYWHERE. It was absurd. On the drinking fountains, clocks, vending machines, garbage cans, toilets, you name it, there were googly eyes littered all over the goshdarn place.

The custodians started complaining that they couldnt keep up with the mess. Visiting customers would look around at the googly spectacle in disbelief of the unprofessionalism.

The head managers had to hold team meetings to talk to all the teams about removing all googly eyes.. and of course since I started it, any time a rogue googly eye popped up months later, I got a stern look from my boss.

The day that I quit there (or get fired, more likely), there will be an unleashing of googly eyes that will be unrivalled. People will be swimming through piles of googly eyes just to get to their completely googly eye covered desks.

The vents will be spitting out plastic eyeballs of all shapes and sizes. People will open their lunches they brought from home and gasp in shock as they find nothing but little beady shaky eyes looking up from their tupperware. There. Will. Be. GOOGLY EYES. Story credit: Reddit / Jaydeeem89

A Viking Parade


This was in the '80s at a bad software company run entirely by men. Wonder of wonders, an extremely competent and popular woman programmer was appointed to a management position in Development.

The younger developers decided to have a parade. She was of Scandinavian descent, so they made for her a horned helmet and sword out of aluminum foil, and made for her a sedan chair out of a wooden chair with a couple of pieces of lumber under the arms for support.

Then they carried her outside on the chair while she waved her "sword," and paraded her around the parking lot at the head of a long column of programmers wearing fish hats and throwing firecrackers. I never understood the fish hats. Edit: And kazoo music. I forgot that. Story credit: Reddit / Tall_Mickey

Dance Monkey


I was visiting our warehouse which looked pretty standard as all things go. Tall shelves loaded with pallets, conveyor belts and forklifts going to and fro, burly men and women in high vis attire pottering about.

When all of a sudden a song broke out over the PA system and every single person started dancing. Their expressions didn't change, they didn't stop what they were doing or where they were going, they all just danced as they went about their business.

A few seconds later the music stopped and they resumed normal existence. It was so bizaare. Like they had been brainwashed to respond to the music and didn't recognise their own conditioning.

Turns out that's all part of their ergonomics program. Every so often the music starts up and they're meant to move about as a form of stretching. Story credit: Reddit / obscureferences

Slow Day

Average-Workday-Turn-Weird-28.jpg.optimal.jpgWikipedia / An-d / CC 3.0

It was a really slow day and I kept getting distracted from the Lord of the Rings fanfiction I was reading by the weird squeaky noises I kept hearing behind me.

I finally turned around and there was my manager, a 35 year old man, about 3/4 of the way done with making a balloon animal crown for his life-sized Homer Simpson statue. I asked him to make me a doggie when I was done, and he did--a blue one.

I kept it until I accidentally popped it, which scared one of my other coworkers. Story credit: Reddit / ostentia

Pop Goes the Office


Coworker came in and found a chunk of his desk missing. After investigating we found a bullet, and a bullet hole above his desk. I ended up on the roof patching the hole.

No idea who decided to shoot our building in the middle of the night. Story credit: Reddit / fievelm



My old office had these giant floor to ceiling windows that would get washed every month or so. One month the window washer was outside the window I faced with a long pole to wash the second story windows. He let it fall away from the building too far and it hit a power line right in front of us.

We all thought we had watched him die, but he ended up getting into the ambulance unassisted to go get checked out. Story credit: Reddit / taylaj

Who You Gonna Call?


I worked in a small office. There was a front lobby area with a conference room off to the side. It was separated by a door from the rest of the office. So I'm sitting at my desk, just working, and I hear screaming from the front lobby area, like straight up someone is being murdered screaming.

Everyone in the office area is freaking out, assuming there was a robbery or something horrible happening in the front. I hear someone shrieking for help, so I'm like okay this is clearly not a dangerous situation, it must be a medical emergency or something like that.

I tell one of my coworkers to call 911. I proceed to open the door quietly and walk towards the lobby. I do not see anyone, even the receptionist, but the screaming is still going on from inside the conference room.

I slowly open the door and find about 8 people on top of the table, including the owners of the company and a couple clients. I'm just staring at them, seriously confused about what I just walked into.

I look down and see a tiny little field mouse hopping around in circles around the table. I picked the little guy up and became the hero of the day. 911 dispatched a couple of police officers over a tiny mouse. My raise that year was substantially higher than usual. Story credit: Reddit / raven_darkseid

She Must Have Been Thirsty


Happened this morning... A woman came into the store, went through the perfume aisle, took a few bottles into the layaway storage room, and drank them.

This was all right before closing, maybe 10 minutes, or so. Watching this on camera was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Story credit: Reddit / HuhWhatQue

Music to My Ears


Some dude came in strumming a banjo as he followed his SO around as she shopped. I, and all of my coworkers, searched for someone with a camera to see if it was some sort of gag, but nope. Dude just walked the aisles with his girl playing the banjo to keep himself occupied. Story credit: Reddit / HuhWhatQue

Whooo is Doing That?


I work with aircraft and one morning on the flightline we found a cleanly cut off rabbit head. About a week later we found another then another.

After a while my bosses took notice and believed that it was some psycho on night shift beheading rabbits and launched an investigation into it because they were sure it must have been a person due to them having such clean cuts and never finding the bodies or any blood.

Then one day in the wee hours of the morning we found the culprits. Owls. They would take the rabbits to the the top of the hangar eat the bodies leaving only the head and drop them over the side or occasionally inside. Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

Nature's Waterpark


I used to work in a building that overlooked a medium sized river. One day my co-workers and I got to observe a river rescue of a guy who fell in and was having problems getting out. It was pretty fast water that day. Story credit: Reddit / BeardedBatsard

Scooby Snack


I worked kennel for a few years. Overnight. I had to call my boss if anything happened to any of the dogs. A little over a year ago, the night of new years day, I did my 10PM hourly check on the dogs, and passed a dachshund who had a little fuzzy red blanket to sleep on. All was well.

I started setting up runs for incoming dogs the next day and passed the doxie again about half an hour later. The blanket was gone except for a few shreds of it around his mouth he was chewing on. Had to call my boss and explain to her that this dog ate his entire bed and needed to go to the vet immediately.

She had just woken up and was so incredulous and grilling me the entire time I was on the phone with her. The dog was fine, they induced vomiting, but this blanket was about the same size as the dog.

The entire time my boss was at the emergency vet I was questioning if that really just happened. That's how I learned dachshunds are prone to pica. Story credit: Reddit / SagiTsukiko

Surprise Conga


I worked in an Italian restaurant and I was controlling the music, i put on this funky Italian song, my boss was drunk and started dancing, this couple then started dancing, before I knew it all the customers in the restaurant stopped eating and everyone was doing the conga… Story credit: Reddit / milxox

Baby Voldemort


A little kid, like maybe 5, casually walking through the mall unaccompanied. That's not that weird, except he had a gigantic pet snake wrapped around his body and arm kind of just chilling on his shoulder and looking around. Story credit: Reddit / Maine_90

Hot and Bothered


When I was going through college I used to work nights as a security guard on a factory site. The afternoon shift workers left at 11pm and I was alone the rest of the night.

Monday night - my first shift - factory fire at midnight... Fire brigage thinks someone may have triggered a fire with welding sparks...

Tuesday night - grass fire at the back of the factory at 1am... FB think it might have been kids smoking near the railway line...

Wednesday evening - before afternoon shift leave - car catches fire in the staff carpark...5 minutes after I start shift at 3pm.

Thursday night - fire in the lunchroom - just after staff leave at 11pm.

Friday morning- I get a call that they don't want me back cause they think I like fires.... Wasn't me - honestly.... Story credit: Reddit / Damocles2010

Productive Day


I sold cosmetics at Macy's for commission, and had a daily goal. I come in for a 3 hour shift, with a goal of approximately $100. Apparently I'd had some returns earlier in the day, because I clocked in with -$1000. I ended the day around -$900. Feels bad man. Story credit: Reddit / Miss_rampage

Friendly Ghost


I worked at a diner where the kids of the original owner, who died 3 years before this incident, owned and ran the place. It was slammed busy and I was the only cashier / host on staff so I was sprinting around the place and asking the customers for patience.

As I was running from the back to the front end to seat the next guest I saw someone from the corner of my eye stand up from the breakfast bar area and run my direction to help out. I thought it was the current owner since he was wearing the baking uniform he normally wears on cupcake making day.

I turn and go to thank him for jumping in but the dude disappears as soon as I look at him. I told a waitress and they asked if he jumped up from the end seat and I said yes. They told me that's where the original owner used to sit and he was jumping in to help me out like he would have if he was alive.

Apparently all of them have seen the ghost around the store helping and they all love and miss him. Story credit: Reddit / FhaeShine

Dad Nap


I worked in a section of a department store that had a sofa and a couple comfy chairs for customers to use.One day a rumpled old man came in and sat down on one of the chairs and fell asleep. (We thought that he may have been homeless so we didn't want to disturb him.)

The funny thing was that every time after he fell asleep his cell phone would ring, but he didn't answer it because he was asleep. He would wake up periodically but his phone never rang when he was awake; only when he was asleep. We thought that was kind of funny.

He sat there for hours. Finally his son showed up and said that he had been trying to find his father, who had wandered off. (It was he who was trying to call the old man.)

The son was angry because he said his father was a diabetic and could have died. (He blamed us instead of taking responsibility for losing his father at a mall!) Story credit: Reddit / CrosswordGuru

Penguin Pain


I worked at an aquarium, and one time the penguin keeper needed help with a baby penguin, who was about the size of a cat. The penguin keeper's hands were full, so it was my job to hold the baby penguin and make sure she didn't get hurt while I went down this steep stairwell.

Then the keeper turns around and says, "Make sure you don't let go of her neck, or she'll rip your eyeball out in less than a second. Don't be afraid of choking her, wring her neck out if you have to, it won't hurt her and it's just for the stairwell."

She did indeed try her hardest to take my eye out, because I didn't want to hurt her and was afraid of choking her. Then it became all out war…. Still have both eyes though. Also the penguin is still pecking away at that aquarium. Story credit: Reddit / DibsArchaeo

Trade-In Fail


A few years back, I was in a Gamestop, perusing whatever console's section when all of a sudden I hear kind of a quiet laughter, and one employee whispering to another to get over there, he needed to see something.

Apparently, a lady had been trading in some old PS1 games, and they were so unpopular, obscure, bad or whatever, that instead of earning whatever paltry sum in trade-in value ps1 games are worth, she actually owed them a penny.

Everyone working went over and took a picture of the screen that showed it, because nobody had seen anything like that, and they couldn't believe it. Story credit: Reddit / gman4757



I work in a small cafe/resteraunt. A few weeks ago someone ordered their scrambled eggs "crispy". No one in the kitchen could even being to imagine how the hell that could possibly work, no one could think of anything to say.

In the end we just gave them overcooked scrambled eggs, and they didnt complain, but who knows if thats even in the ballpark of what they actually wanted. Story credit: Reddit / Magmafrost13

Fire at Sea


I worked on a fish processing ship for a short time. Every week or so we would have a fire drill. The alarm would go off and the captain would come on the P.A. telling us that it was a drill. We would all make our way to the meeting point midships and basically act accordingly.

One night the alarm went off but no announcement was made. Me and like three other crew members immediately got up and headed for the meeting spot. A supervisor mentioned that it was probably just a glitch and not to worry about it.

It took a full five minutes with the alarm going off till everyone finally made it to the meeting point. As it was, I was standing at the survival suit locker at the ready to start handing them out. This was the deck supervisors job, but he was one of the last to get there.

What blew my mind was that there actually was a small easily controllable fire happening in the engine room right then. If I had been the captain, heads would have rolled. Story credit: Reddit / Digipete

Have Some Integrity


I work at a grocery store. One day an elderly man was cashing out his groceries, in the middle of the process he proceeded to have a minor heart attack and faint to the ground (it could have been something else but he grabbed his chest).

As the paramedics were putting him on the stretcher, he started to get up and insist on paying for his groceries. Most dedicated customer. Story credit: Reddit / Fatliner

Very Technical


A male customer waiting for my busy male colleague to be available, ignoring me. I was obviously available, but I thought the man perhaps knew my colleague.

His wife eventually walked up to him and said: "Perhaps she can help you as well." To which the man replied: "Her?? Does she have technical knowledge of cell phones then?!" I tried to stay polite and told him I had been working in the phone department since before Smartphones were a thing.

His 'very technical cell phone question' turned out to be nothing but having to resize his SIM card from mini to micro. I never wanted to punch a customer in the face as much as I did that day. Story credit: Reddit / DiscoPino

Just In Case


When a President was in town for a nearby convention, I had a secret serviceman sitting at my desk/ work station just patiently waiting for me. He was with me for 8 hours of my shift in the ER. Just INCASE our services happened to be needed. Thankfully they were not!!

But he already knew my name, most of my personal information and background and mentioned how he had already seen me a few times that week on hospital grounds?! A little creepy, but it made for an interesting shift.

He was pretty cool though. One thing is for sure, it will certainly always remain unforgettable! Story credit: Reddit / AmbitiousMacaron8

Tweet Tweet


A bird flew into the warehouse I worked at and couldn’t find its way out and when the guys I work with saw they spent like 20 minutes making chirping bird sounds trying to guide it to the exit.

Now imagine 3 large middle aged men running around talking to a tiny bird with baby voices and imitating it’s sounds… It was great. Story credit: Reddit / josefugly