
10 Ways Being A Kid Is Harder & 10 Ways Being A Parent Is

10 Ways Being A Kid Is Harder & 10 Ways Being A Parent Is

Both Kids And Parents Are Going Through A Lot

As a parent, it's easy to get caught up in the adversity you're experiencing. However, don't forget the challenges your kid faces too. From bullying and academic pressures to tumultuous emotions, when you stop to remember how being a kid feels, you'll automatically feel more sympathetic toward your baby's difficult behavior. Here are 10 ways being a kid is harder and 10 ways being a parent is.

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1. You Have No Authority

Part of being a kid is having little to no authority over yourself and others. For those kids who think they're future presidents, this can be frustrating. 

a couple of girls cleaning the groundMieke Campbell on Unsplash

2. You Lack Freedom

Of course, as a child, you don't have the same amount of freedom as if you were fully grown. You can't go to the store and buy whatever food you want, you have to adhere to a certain schedule and follow someone else's rules. 

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3. You Lack Perspective

As a kid, you don't have the same perspective as your adult counterpart. You lack knowledge about how the world works which can make each small bump in the road feel overwhelming.

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4. The Pressure To Succeed

Your one job as a kid is to succeed academically. Sometimes, however, the pressure to do well in school can be so stressful that it takes away from your carefree childhood experience.

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5. You Lack Emotional Control

It takes time to understand and be able to control your emotions. As a kid, every little adverse thing can feel like a big deal because it's new and you have nothing to compare it to. As such, tantrums and tears are a common occurrence.

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6. You're Still Developing Your Identity

Until they're a certain age, kids lack a personal identity. When this is still developing, they're uncertain of themselves, indecisive, and vulnerable to peer pressure. 

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7. You Lack Experience

Not having the necessary experience makes life hard as decisions are more confusing. You haven't yet set up a value system for yourself, making you vulnerable to outside influences. 

2 women sitting on chair in front of tableKeren Fedida on Unsplash

8. You're Physically Vulnerable

Anyone who has an older sibling can relate to the challenges associated with being physically smaller. Being pushed around, menaced, and played with are just some of the grievances. 

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9. You Face Social Pressure

When you're still developing, it's easy to fall prey to peer pressure in ways that adults never would. This is because it's all around you, you haven't created your own values, and you lack a strong identity.

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10. You Face Bullying

Most kids face some degree of bullying at one time or another. This is a challenge that is rare in adult life and grown-ups take it for granted, but it can make life as a child heavy and burdensome.

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Now that we've covered the pressures that kids face, let's talk about what makes life as a parent difficult. 

1. Pressure To Succeed Financially

All adults feel financial pressures, but this is even more enhanced when you're a parent and you have to provide for a little someone. Studies have found over 70 percent of parents are having trouble keeping up with current expenses.

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2. A Lot Of Responsibility

Caring for someone other than just yourself is a lot of responsibility. It takes up tons of your time and mental capacity and adds stress to your life. 

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3. Time Management

As a parent, you have to juggle a full-time job, parenting responsibilities, social obligations, family, and whatever else is important to you like hobbies. If you don't manage your time accordingly, you'll easily get burnt out. 

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4. Feeling Socially Isolated

When you become a parent, you no longer have the time to engage in many social activities, especially if they involve late nights. If you are the only one of your friends with a baby, it can feel extremely isolating. 

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5. Dealing With Your Child's Emotions

Your child will undoubtedly be throwing some tantrums as they grapple with overwhelming experiences in their new world. As a parent, this can be exhausting and emotionally taxing. 

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6. Crippling Uncertainty

No one really feels ready when they become a parent. Although you're expected to be an authority figure for your child, there will be moments when you have no idea if you're doing the right thing which can be stressful. 

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7. Constant Worrying

When you have a child, suddenly you have a being that you care about more than yourself and you're fully responsible for them. For some parents, the anxiety of worrying about their wellbeing can be debilitating. 

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8. Giving Up Freedom

Just as your kid will feel like they have no freedom, you'll feel like your autonomy has gone out the door too. No longer can you stay out late having fun, travel, or spend so much time on hobbies. You have a person to provide for now.

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9. Lack Of Sleep

At least for the first year of your child's life, you can expect to say goodbye to your comfortable eight hours of sleep each night. Sleepless nights are synonymous with parenthood.

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10. Big Sacrifices

As a parent, you'll make sacrifices that your child will never understand or appreciate. Parenting is not an even relationship and you can expect to give a lot more than you receive. 

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