
10 Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy & 10 You Wish You Knew About Childbirth

10 Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy & 10 You Wish You Knew About Childbirth

You read all the books, watched all the videos, and went to all the classes—pregnancy and labor should be a walk in the park then, no? Sadly, there are so many things you just won’t learn about until you experience them, but we’re here to reveal some inside information. 

1. Bodily Changes

You probably already knew about swollen feet or bouts of acne, but pregnancy does much more than that. Many women often deal with spider veins, “pregnancy nose” (AKA an enlarged nose), skin tags, moles, and puffy eyes. The silver lining is that it’s normal. 

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2. Interrogation

Congratulations! Now that you’re pregnant everyone and their mother will ask you the same questions. If you’re extra lucky they’ll talk about your figure and share unsolicited advice. What a magical time.  

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3. Expect Hemorrhoids

Like it or not, you’ll most likely experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy…and may have them sprout alongside constipation. These typically last for a few weeks before you’re in the clear, though they can last for several months. 

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4. Butt Kicks 

(Not literally, though it’ll certainly feel like it.) As magical as those first kicks can be, some babies play soccer in there and you may feel it in your behind. The good news is that it’s completely normal if a rather uncomfortable surprise. 

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5. Sharp Pain

This is as bad as it sounds we’re afraid. Come the third trimester, many women experience a sharp pain down there. Try not to panic as it usually isn’t anything to worry about and isn’t a sign of labor either—it’s just one more fun thing to deal with. 

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6. Rolling Around

Speaking of the third trimester, it won’t be easy to find a comfortable sleeping position when you’re almost ready to pop. By the time you finally roll over on your side, it’ll be time for your baby’s first birthday. 

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7. Possible Diabetes

Also known as GD, gestational diabetes happens in women who experience higher than normal blood pressure during pregnancy. The better news is that it tends to go away, but you’ll have a high chance of its return in future pregnancies.

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8. Nosebleeds

Try not to freak out if you spring a nosebleed during pregnancy because it’s usually totally normal. You can easily deal with it the same way you would a common nosebleed and it’s often only an issue if it lasts longer than half an hour.

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9. Heartburn

Your doctor may have warned you about heartburn, but nothing can truly prepare you for how bad it gets. It can prevent you from sleeping or cause significant pain, but there are a couple of things you can do. Speak with your doctor about medication or make dietary adjustments.

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10. Poor Vision

Believe it or not, blurred vision is very real and very common during pregnancy. While it doesn’t last forever, it can get irritating when paired with any scratchiness or eye strain. Give your eyes a break and talk to your physician about whether you can score drops.

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Now that we’ve knocked some common pregnancy experiences off the list, let’s dive into a few things you should know about labor. 


1. Painful Bathroom Trips

Labor unfortunately isn’t the end of your journey. Once the baby comes out, expect more frequent (and painful) bathroom breaks. Many women experience tearing and need stitches afterward, which can lead to painful urination.

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2. Body Shakes

Your body goes through a lot during labor—between the adrenaline, medication, pushing, and fatigue, it’s normal to start shaking. The severity and length will vary, but body shakes are common during (or sometimes after) labor and can range from mild to more severe. 

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3. Bleeding

Many women experience postpartum bleeding for several weeks, though some may come out of the woods a little earlier. Generally speaking, expect it to last anywhere between four to six weeks with the heaviest loss during the first two weeks or so. 

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4. Vomiting

We’ve all heard that women defecate during labor (which is completely normal), but there’s a good chance you’ll hurl, too. Nausea and vomiting are fairly common in the early stages of labor, though you could lose your lunch throughout the entire process. 

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5. You May Need a C-Section

You may have planned for a natural birth, but last-minute C-sections do happen. Emergency C-sections sound scary but are necessary in the event of weak contractions or your baby being in the wrong position. 

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6. Night Sweats

Don’t be surprised to wake up drenched. You can thank hormones for postpartum night sweats, which happen to lots of women and usually taper off after a couple of weeks. Try and keep the room cool and be sure you drink lots of water. 

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7. Uterine Massages

Also known as a fundal massage, these are performed postpartum to prevent hemorrhaging. They happen regardless of how you gave birth and though some women find them uncomfortable, they can be downright painful for others.

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8. Epidural Side Effects

Epidurals are a godsend, but they do come with common side effects. Headaches, dizziness, and trouble urinating are among the most common, though some women can experience nausea and itching. 

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9. Wait for Visitors 

Do yourself a favor and wait before inviting your family and friends over. You survived one of life’s toughest experiences, you’ll be exhausted, and chances are you won’t be up for company. There’s no shame in waiting if it means you get the rest your body desperately needs. 

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10. Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression happens to a lot of women and needs to be taken seriously. As joyous an occasion childbirth is, it’s often traumatic and can lead to PTSD, extreme sadness, or tough thoughts. Be sure you speak with your physician and don’t ignore the symptoms. 

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