
20 Thoughts All First-Time Moms Get

20 Thoughts All First-Time Moms Get

20 Thoughts All First-Time Moms Get

Welcome to Motherhood

Stepping into parenthood for the first time can feel extremely exciting—and daunting. That little human you're carrying in your arms was made by you, and now you're solely responsible for them. Are you confident you're ready to be a mom, or do you remember what it was like having your first child? Here are 20 thoughts you probably had when you first stepped into motherhood.

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

1. I’m a Natural at This

Some first-time moms are natural parents—they’re ready to embrace parenthood from the start. Perhaps it’s maternal instinct, or they grew up in an environment where they had ample opportunities to learn what it takes to be a great mom. Regardless, they’re confident they will be the best for their child.

woman holding baby upJonathan Borba on Unsplash

2. On Second Thought—Can I Return It?

On the other hand, perhaps caring for a newborn isn’t as simple as it seems. Sure, they’re adorable, and you love showing them off and watching others coo at them—but truthfully, you’re teetering on a delicate line. When’s the return period for this tiny human?

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3. This Is Too Stressful

Now that you’ve had a chance to reevaluate again, you’re completely sure that this may be too much for you. This is too stressful. One moment, your baby is giggling happily, and the next moment they’re bawling. What even happened?

Yan KrukauYan Krukau on Pexels


4. What Am I Doing Wrong?

When you’re caring for a tiny human, you probably second-guess yourself every single second. Are you doing this correctly? Is this supposed to be the right way to do it? Is there a better way? And if not, what are you doing wrong?

woman hugging boy on her lapJordan Whitt on Unsplash

5. I Want Another Kid!

And yet, even with all the new challenges you have to deal with on the daily, you can’t help but feel like you want another one. After all, won’t your baby be lonely growing up without a sibling? But at the same time, you’re not entirely sure you want to go through the whole process again.

woman in black long sleeve shirt carrying girl in pink jacketJose Escobar on Unsplash

6. I Never Want to Have Another Kid

Yup—on second thought, maybe just one is fine. You don’t even actually know what the heck you’re doing, remember? Sure, you have your good days, but most of the time you’re only really just getting by. Having to care for two little humans? No, thanks. At least not right now.

Ketut SubiyantoKetut Subiyanto on Pexels

7. How Do I Do This?

Adulthood is difficult enough, but parenthood is 10 times more challenging. Every other second, you’re asking yourself: How do I do this? Whether you’re feeding your baby the right way, or enough, or if something needs to be heated more or less, or if you should be giving them certain foods at all—you’re not entirely sure your judgement is always correct.

a woman feeding a baby with a bottle of milkLucy Wolski on Unsplash

8. This Baby Is Super Expensive to Care For

For a tiny thing that is only about the size of your palm initially, it’s kind of insane how expensive taking care of a baby is. You need to completely change your routines and your spaces—your home, your car—and all those things rack up pretty quickly.

Serhii DemchenkoSerhii Demchenko on Pexels

9. How Many Diapers Are You Going to Go Through?

Perhaps even more surprising is how many diapers a small newborn goes through. It feels like you have to set them down and change them again every hour or so. And while changing the diaper sounds easy enough, it’s the fact that your baby will not lie down still, ever, that makes it all the more difficult to get the whole thing done.

blue and white plastic packNathan Dumlao on Unsplash


10. When Will I Get to Sleep Again?

Seriously, you can’t even remember the last time you slept for four hours straight. And if you’re breastfeeding exclusively, you might be up every second hour or so to feed your baby. Before you know it, your sleeping schedule is all muddled, and you’re lucky if you don’t have to be up by six in the morning.

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11. When Will I Have Time for Myself Again?

Forget sleep—you’re not even sure when you’ll have dedicated time for yourself again. Heck, even going to the bathroom alone feels like a miracle. And if your baby wails every time you’re out of their sight, you’re probably going to have to do everything with them on your lap.

Keira BurtonKeira Burton on Pexels

12. Am I Even Doing a Good Job?

Even with all the sacrifices you’re making for your first-ever baby, you often wonder: Am I even doing a good job? Sure, it might seem like you are, if their beaming face or their growing attachment to you is any indication. But if you’re intent on becoming the best mom ever, you’re not always confident you’re meeting expectations.

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13. Oh My God—Do I Need to Go to a Hospital?!

After every accidental bump or fall, you have your doctor’s number at the ready on speed dial. After all, which accidents are classified as normal and which ones are emergencies? What if your baby has a sudden allergic reaction? How would you know? How could you get them to the hospital fast enough? 

mother carrying babyKelly Sikkema on Unsplash

14. When Will It Say Its First Word?

Babies typically don’t start talking until they’re at least 12 months, but that’s not stopping you from teaching them how to say certain words and phrases every day. Plus, you’re constantly anticipating what their first word will be. Will it be “mommy” or “daddy”? If you want to catch the milestone, you’ll likely always need your camera ready.

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15. When Will It Learn How to Walk?

Babies might learn how to walk before they babble their first word, so you’re patiently (or impatiently) waiting for them to take that first step. But like the latter, you can’t pinpoint exactly when it’s going to happen, so you’ll need to always be ready to video the special moment.

baby trying to get out of his cribAlexander Dummer on Unsplash


16. I Still Can’t Believe I Made This

Even after your baby grows up bit by bit, big enough to stand on their own, big enough to respond back in their own language, you’re still amazed. You can’t believe you—and your partner—made this adorable human being, and now they’re maturing in front of your very eyes.

woman carrying child beside hedgesHello Revival on Unsplash

17. Am I Buying Too Many Clothes & Accessories?

Being a first-time mom can be as stressful and overwhelming as it is exciting, and something you might pick up is retail therapy. Only you’re not buying clothes for yourself anymore—not like you used to, when you were younger. Now you’re obsessed with buying new jackets and shirts and pants and accessories for your baby, to the point where you question whether you have a bit of an addiction.

white and blue floral crew neck t-shirtThe Nix Company on Unsplash

18. I’m Scared to Drive My Baby Around

No matter how safe of a driver you are, knowing that you’re responsible for driving around a baby is kind of a lot to take in. You might tack on a larger-than-normal “baby in car” sticker on your bumper, just so people are 100% aware and don’t do any reckless or aggressive maneuvers around you. 

baby on gray strollerAlexander Grey on Unsplash

19. What If I Hurt My Baby?

You might have intrusive thoughts as a first-time mom, too. Most of the time, it’s because you may already be dealing with a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression. It’s important you reach out to your partner or a mental health professional when parenthood gets too much to bear.

boy hugging woman during daytimeXavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash

20. I Love This Tiny Human Being So Much

This thought likely overwhelms you every time you look at your infant. Even though they’re not yet able to walk or talk or tell you they love you back, you know you’ll do absolutely everything in your power to keep them safe, warm, and happy.

woman kiss a baby while taking pictureOmar Lopez on Unsplash